Anonymous ID: 8379e4 Aug. 14, 2018, 4:37 p.m. No.2602217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2275 >>2382

>>2602180 (Last bread)


Q doesn't confirm shit until he's had his laugh at the wild goose chase he's unleashed.

How can so many smart anons be so fucking gullible as to the purpose of this board?

Anonymous ID: 8379e4 Aug. 14, 2018, 5:03 p.m. No.2602771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2816 >>2841



This board is one long string of false hope, false promises, and unmet expectations.

Trump is ALL about Promises Made, Promises Kept.

How in the fuck is the nonsense/nothing shit posted on this board anywhere near what Trump is all about?

Would Trump treat his supporters with the false hope, false promises, and unmet expectations that we've seen on this board for 10 months?


Also, if "We are in control", why are we still being led on wild goose chases when Q can very easily just give just the answers to his puzzles?

Same reason we are given blurry pictures that mean absolutely nothing?

Spend days/weeks/months cashing windmills?


Raise expectations? Have any of those expectations come to fruition?

What happens when a person's expectations are raised to unattainable heights, only to be dashed along with all hope amid a desert of broken promises?


Seething anger? Right before critical mid term elections? Elections that could lead to impeachment?

At who? At an anonymous poster on 8chan, or at the person the anonymous poster has claimed to represent?


Anger at Trump?


It's definitely a show. But we are not players, we are just game pieces.

Someone is indeed "Enjoying the show".

This won't end well unless anons start to wake the fuck up about the purpose of this operation.