Anonymous ID: 954b65 Aug. 14, 2018, 4:36 p.m. No.2602202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2252 >>2362 >>2484 >>2522 >>2676 >>2850 >>2893 >>2931

Reporter Admits Most Media Work for CIA, MI6, Mossad


October 26, 2014 AFP


War correspondent reveals dirty secrets of mainstream media: journalists are bribed to pry, lie and spy.


By Ronald L. Ray —


AMERICAN FREE PRESS frequently exposes the noxious collaborators with tyranny who operate the mainstream media. Now a courageous German former journalist, Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, has written a powerful new bestselling book that exposes the rampant cooperation of the “Fourth Estate” with the world’s largest intelligence agencies, trans-Atlantic organizations, banks, corporations and billionaires, making it into a political “fifth column.”


The book, Gekaufte Journalisten (literally, “Bought Journalists”), is not yet in English, but this writer interviewed Ulfkotte on October 17 to bring this newspaper’s readers his stunning revelations. Admitting first his own guilt of participating in the destructive underworld of journalism, Ulfkotte fearlessly names other collaborators in his latest work and calls for a return to a free and morally-upright press. The book has garnered worldwide interest, but the German journalistic establishment is giving it the “silent treatment”—and worse.


Ulfkotte, 54, was raised in a devout Christian family and even educated at a religious school. During early adulthood, like many young people, he began investigating other beliefs. At the university in Freiburg in Breisgau he took an interest in law and Islamic studies. He became fluent in Arabic—important for his future, albeit unintended, career.

During college in the 1980s, Ulfkotte also was recruited into the world of espionage. Prior to a particular semester break, when he hoped to visit Italy and meet young women, a professor asked if he would like to attend a two-week seminar in Bonn on the East-West conflict. This was during the Cold War in a divided Germany. Ulfkotte was not at all interested, but university professors in Germany were (and are) highly respected. It was difficult to refuse.


He was promised that his travel would be paid for, as well as lodging and meals, and he would receive spending money into the bargain. For a young man from poor economic circumstances, this was too much. Relates Ulfkotte, “I suddenly felt this deep feeling inside me that I had ‘always’ wanted to go” to such a seminar. Such “innocent” beginnings were the first bribes, which would draw him ever deeper into a widespread network of corruption and spying, where no one considered such behavior immoral, but rather “accepted practice.”


No one said, “I’m from the CIA,” or from the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND)—the German intelligence service. But the seminar leaders sorted out “who was communist and who was pro-Western” among the young attendees. After further similar events, someone asked Ulfkotte if he would work for the BND—the last thing on his mind. But again, a professor—his doctoral advisor—pressured him to “think about it.” And once more, a poor boy found a free automobile and a good salary very attractive.


Upon receiving his doctorate, Ulfkotte—who never studied journalism—was provided a job as a reporter for the leading conservative German newspaper, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), hired over hundreds of other applicants. He became a war correspondent in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Iran and much of the Middle East, and later an FAZ editor. Eventually, he did indeed meet agents of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), BND, Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, commonly known as MI6 (Military Intelligence, Section 6), and Israel’s Mossad, who valued his ability to travel freely in countries largely closed to the West. His editors were knowing accomplices.


Anonymous ID: 954b65 Aug. 14, 2018, 4:54 p.m. No.2602574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2760 >>2887

FBI Responds to Speculation About Its Jet in Clinton Town


An FBI airliner made two trips to Little Rock, Arkansas, stirring up discussion and speculation at a local radio show and online about a possible connection to the Clinton Foundation. The FBI, however, stated the plane was there because of a major drug bust.


The plane, a 155-foot Boeing 757-223, took off on Aug. 7 around 9 a.m. (EST) likely from Richmond, Virginia and landed around noon at the Clinton National Airport in Little Rock. Around 12 p.m. it took off again and returned likely to Richmond, according to flight tracker FlightRadar24. Unusually, the site seems to have only tracked the plane on the way, but not during the takeoff and landing, making it more difficult to conclusively say where it took off from and where it landed.


Little Rock’s Newsradio 102.9 KARN reported that day that federal agents had been spotted loading boxes onto a Boeing 757. Doc Washburn, the show’s radio host, speculated that the boxes contained documents from the Clinton Foundation, which has offices at the Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock.

The FBI has relaunched investigation of the foundation regarding alleged pay-to-play schemes and any other potentially illegal activities carried out by Hillary Clinton during her tenure as state secretary under former President Barack Obama, The Hill reported in January, citing unnamed law enforcement officials and an unnamed witness questioned by the FBI as part of the probe.


The same plane took another trip to Little Rock on Aug. 9, likely taking off from Richmond around 10 a.m. and landing around noon. It took off again around 2 p.m. and landed likely in Richmond around 4 p.m.

Shuttling Tactical Teams


An FBI spokesperson told The Epoch Times on Aug. 10, the plane was in Little Rock because of a major drug bust.


“Tactical teams were present in Little Rock this week to assist in the arrest of multiple defendants in an operation that dismantled a significant drug-trafficking organization,” she said in an email.


Seven people were arrested on the morning of Aug. 9, for allegedly selling cocaine, crack cocaine, and marijuana in the Little Rock area.


“Today’s operation took down a significant drug trafficking organization which has been operating for years in central Arkansas,” said Cody Hiland, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas in an Aug. 9 release. “These are dangerous, repeat offenders who should not be walking our streets and spreading poison in our community.”


The operation was a part an investigation by the GET Rock task force of local, state, and federal law enforcement. The task force was set up at the request of the state’s Republican Governor Asa Hutchinson “in response to the escalation in gang and gun violence in Little Rock,” the release stated.


“The operation today dismantled a group of criminals who destroy and tear at the fabric of our neighborhoods and cities,” stated Scott Reinhardt, assistant special agent in charge of the FBI Little Rock Field Office.


The defendants were charged under a sealed indictment with several crimes, including a conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine, crack cocaine, and marijuana; possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime; and possession of a firearm by a felon. The indictment was unsealed on Aug. 9.

Anonymous ID: 954b65 Aug. 14, 2018, 4:57 p.m. No.2602644   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Collusion: Media that gave money to corrupt Clinton Foundation are protecting it


Media organizations that have donated money to Hillary Clinton’s corrupt foundation are leading the way in the effort to cover up Clinton’s almost innumerable misdeeds.


As Liz Crokin of the New York Observer reports:


Hillary Clinton and her media allies have been working overtime to put out numerous fires that continue to pop up and spread during the final weeks of her campaign for president. Recently, the flames have gotten more difficult to smother as reports of Clinton’s frail health have bled into the mainstream media, despite the unanimous and unilateral decision by the MSM to treat anyone who even raises a question as akin to a Holocaust denier. (On Sunday night, for example, Huffington Post fired contributor David Seaman and deleted his columns simply for linking to a Hillary health video that’s been viewed four million times.)


Julian Assange stoked more flames when he suggested a murdered DNC worker was the Wikileaks source for the DNC hack. Most recently, the Associated Press released a blockbuster story concluding that more than half of the people Clinton met with as secretary of state gave donations to the Clinton Foundation.


Despite these ongoing scandals, Clinton’s close yet questionable ties to media outlets such as Google, CNN, PBS and The New York Times have seemed to pay off. These entities have gone out of their way to censor negative stories about Clinton, particularly ones involving the Clinton Foundation. There’s one common thread though these media outlets suppressing harmful Clinton stories all share: they’ve donated to the Clinton Foundation.


It was August 23 when the Associated Press broke the story that more than half the people (85 out of 154) outside of the government that then-Secretary of State Clinton met with sent donations to the Clinton Foundation, either personally or by way of various entities. AP arrived at this conclusion after the courts ordered the release of State Department documents last year.


Google has been suppressing the facts about Clinton’s pay-to-play operation just as it has buried past negative news about Hillary. CNN and the New York Times have also been downplaying the fact that Clinton has been accepting anticipatory bribes through her foundation.


This is not an exhaustive list of media malpractice. Crokin’s article provides plenty of other eye-opening examples of Clinton corruption that big media outlets are trying to make disappear.


Among the media donors to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation are: Thomson Reuters; Google; News Corporation Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Fox News parent company; Intermountain West Communications Co., a local television affiliate owner; Bloomberg L.P.; Discovery Communications Inc.; Time Warner Inc., owner of CNN parent company Turner Broadcasting; Public Radio International; Turner Broadcasting, the parent company of CNN; Twitter; Comcast, parent of NBCUniversal (NBC News, MSNBC and CNBC); Public Broadcasting Service; HBO; Viacom; AOL Huffington Post Media Group; and Hearst Corp.


Among the notable media figures to personally make donations to the Clinton Foundation are: Judy Woodruff, “PBS Newshour” co-anchor and managing editor; Robert Allbritton, owner of Politico; George Stephanopoulos, ABC News chief anchor and chief political correspondent; Mort Zuckerman, owner of New York Daily News and U.S. News & World Report; and Carlos Slim, chairman & CEO of Telmex, the largest New York Times shareholder.