Anonymous ID: ab9d5f Aug. 14, 2018, 4:42 p.m. No.2602320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2633


1897 German Braun invents RADIO & TV.

Italian Marconi files BRITISH PATENT for Radio based on GERMAN Braun invention.


Britain UK creates broadcast company called Wireless & Telegraph Signal which morphs into BBC and makes baby company for USA called RCA (1919) which later becomes NBC (1926) company.




Braun comes to NYC after outbreak of WW1 to work on German radio station. Germany warns US Secy of State to protect US citizens from getting on UK warship LUSITANIA. US fails to warn. Lusitania sunk. US enters WW1 for UK against Germany.

German Braun arrested by US in NYC and dies.

WW1 ends.


NBC continues to broadcast.

Anonymous ID: ab9d5f Aug. 14, 2018, 4:57 p.m. No.2602633   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So WHY would UK Britain and its son spy Steele be working so hard to bring down Prez Trump if…

Radio and TV in US broadcasts from its Wireless Telegraph Signal — BBC —RCA — NBC since as far back as 1919?


Not to mention UKs Reuters that tells most other “mews” agency types what to print/ broadcast.


And do all Rhodes / Oxford scholars like Clinton and Halper have dual UK and USA citizenship?


And was George Orwell author of “1984” ‘here’s looking at / listening to you kid from the TV in your living room’, actually a British secret agent in Burma before he was a “fiction” writer. Did his dad really work in the UK Opium dept in India? Was his grandfather really the Earl of Westmoreland?