Anonymous ID: db2932 Aug. 14, 2018, 4:39 p.m. No.2602256   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>Important takeaway.

The most important takeaway is this:

>>We've had the ball the entire time.

Q team have them by the balls the entire time. (literally)

>>Think offense.

Think playing offense

>>Why did POTUS move his entire operation out of TT the DAY AFTER the ADM ROGERS [SCIF] MEETING?

Why did POTUS transfer the entire operation out of Trump Towers the day after the Adm Rogers Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility meeting ?



The world is watching what is going on.

>>The WORLD is HERE.

The world is here in 8ch. Media folks, spys, shills et al.


Keep your eyes wide open, Anon.



>>They are in full blown panic mode.

(((They))) are in full blown panic mode

>>Enjoy the show.

Enjoy it anon.

>>Each FAKE NEWS article written or attack is a badge of honor - military grade.

Each fake MSM article is a badge of honor - military grade


Anonymous ID: db2932 Aug. 14, 2018, 4:48 p.m. No.2602435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>Do you believe in coincidences?

Don’t believe in coincidences?

>>CA 'light fires' dropped.

The false narrative of california light fires are now dropped by MSM

>>Next: Man [caught] who follows 'Q'

Next false narrative will be catching/apprehending a “Qanon supporter”

>>Think previous: BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM

Think of the past BOOMs

>>What happened?

What happened back then?

>>Random coincidences?

Did you see random coincidences in them?


Do you think they were a conspiracy?

>>Re_read drops re: SET UP.

Re-read the drops made on “SET UP” (will this be a FF setup?)


Anonymous ID: db2932 Aug. 14, 2018, 4:48 p.m. No.2602443   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>Armed man Hoover Dam re: link to Q?

This man was linked to a Q drop?

>>They will not stop.

(((They))) will not stop

>>Nothing to see here.

Nothing to see here folks - just an armed man barricading the Hoover fucking dam.

>>Ask yourself - WHY?

Ask yourself why they do this? Why do they not stop doing this?
