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Media Protocol // Media Object Servers
UBO = Ultimate Beneficial Owner / Ultimate Shareholder / The people in control
UBO's can be and are often hidden, especially if government assets or controlled.
Who is the ultimate controllers/shareholders of global media outlets. Media is channeled, it flows like water.
Primary Owner Decides Narrative>Affiliate A Disseminates Story>> Affiliate B Picks up Story and Publishes/Reposts/Reprints >> Affiliate C keeps story in public space. So on and So on.
Marching to the same beat? = YES - Narrative is pre-set with goals defined and specific targets in mind. NOT news, story is designed to ATTACK. Anyone can be a journalist now, anyone can post on a blog, or be a "Contributing Editor". All COORDINATED.
Coincidence? = NO - ALL COORDINATED.
Logical Thinking? = Global Attacks COORDINATED
Annons, who is the ultimate controllers (shareholders, owners) of global media companies? Which billionaires have the ability and power to control the global media companies?
Saving the best for last?