Anonymous ID: e21fe3 Aug. 14, 2018, 4:52 p.m. No.2602533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2602378 Seems like you've got the same disease the leftists have! You can't reason with the leftists! They won't listen or CONSIDER the good work, the "fruit" that President Trump has produced! THINK about the U.S.'s activities over the decades…THINK about how the Rogue Deep State has USED our government to wipe out countries and economies….THAT had NOTHING to do with Americans in general! Open your eyes and see that the same cabal that utilized the U.S. is the same cabal that steers other governments …like Israel! The Rothschilds literally take credit for establishing Israel…the vast majority of Israelis are just as sick and tired of all the same bullshit that we are! You "Think" you're woke…but your eyes are still opening! Snap out of the Jew hate mindlessness! LEARN the difference between Jews and the synagogue of satan! Big difference!