Anonymous ID: ee93b0 Aug. 14, 2018, 4:41 p.m. No.2602298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2416 >>2460 >>2537 >>2543 >>2598 >>2629 >>2640 >>2645 >>2651 >>2657 >>2677 >>2821 >>2869 >>2930 >>2931


Dear MSM, (it's producers, reporters, investigators and followers),


Have you figured out by now that the Q movement is a military operation? You know, the United States military, aka those in control, who swore an oath to defend we the people and our constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic?


Serious question time: What are you so frightened about by having Donald Trump as the duly elected president? A crazed, irresponsible lunatic would have unclassified something truly egregious intended to inflame the masses to begin a murderous (some would argue deserving) purge by now. Instead, some very brilliant and compassionate people at the highest levels of military intelligence, at the direction of Donald Trump, have been cultivating those of us willing to know what is really going on behind the veils of wealth and power, to expose the men and women behind the curtain, along with their schemes, means and methods to control and manipulate our freedoms (both D and R). If you have a shred of conscience and patriotism, why would you fear that?


There is still time to do the right thing and begin investigating and reporting on those who truly deserve to be investigated and exposed. You are being given the chance to redeem yourself by starting to act responsibly as educated Americans and do your jobs. The longer this goes on, and you continue along the path of corruption and compromise by covering for the true criminals, that path to redemption narrows dramatically. Should you decide to go all in by continuing to lie and defend the indefensible, and you are consciously aware of it, then God help you. You are all going down. Hard.


Coming soon is the time when you will be embarrassed and ashamed to walk down the street. Suicide weekend may be your only recourse, but even then you'll have to face your fate in front of divine judgement. There truly is no escape. Should you continue covering for the filth of America and the world, (((you))) will part of what will be known as the worst generation of Americans. Ever. This will go down as an historic lesson for a long time to come of who not to be, how not to think, what not to believe, who not to trust, and who not to vote for. All of it in crimson HD, courtesy of recording technology heretofore unavailable to people just a few short 100 years ago. What is going on with Q and all the anons is an age old story of fighting against evil and compromise. Crack open any history book, and there you will find what is going on today. It is really that simple. The choice is yours to know. Free will and all. May you choose wisely. Your very soul is at stake. Yep, it's that serious.


BTW, I am a Hollywood insider, who just might have a treasure trove of some very interesting recorded evidence gathered at a very high level of observation for over 30 years. I guess some of us have been aware of and digging for compromise well before Q came along. How was I able to do it? Quite simple, really. I pretended to be stupid and blind, like those around me. Just like how Trump and team Q are playing you like a fiddle. Yes, we are enjoying the show immensely. Thank you! Seriously, wake the F up. tic toc…