Anonymous ID: 05b6ea Aug. 14, 2018, 5:16 p.m. No.2603004   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Why was NO SUCH AGENCY created?


Tripartite Interaction: US, USSR and Britain


The United States was the first to open its doors to the alien race known as the Greys. I have been told of a contact in 1934, wherein the Greys made their presence known to the United States government in Wxashington State. It wasn't until 1947 that actual contact occurred with the aliens and United States officials, due to the shooting down of an alien craft in Roswell, New Mexico.


This pressed the Greys into contact earlier than they had anticipated. After this crash at Roswell in 1947 the United States, the Soviet Union and the British, at the very highest levels of government, became "blood-brothers". Now, these governments did not know what Germany was really up to at that time in history. The Germans were very very secretive about their contact with Gizeh intelligences. What was going on in Germany and what was going on between these other countries were two separate issues. The Roswell incident created more of an urgency to develop a true space program in order to defend the Earth. Again, the United States government and the Soviets thought that there was a threat due to the technologically advanced state of the aliens they had encountered. The true space program was an "underground" development that we are just now beginning to hear about. It was originally financed by members of the Club of Rome.


Now, you will need to do some homework to find out who those members are, and don't be surprised at who you see. We'll talk more about that when we discuss the moon. The Greys assisted the "black government" with the building of some of the first facilities on the moon and Mars. Prior to all of this, between 1850 and 1950, there were instances of the mutilation of both cattle and humans. The NSA, which was created in the 1950's, knew that aliens were responsible. How they knew this, though, I have not been told. I will try and get more clarification on that.


In 1952, the government prepared itself for the realization of ongoing alien contact. When our military radar systems started to bring down craft, the Greys realized that in order to perform their genetic experiments on such a large scale, in an attempt to genetically save their race, they would need the cooperation of a political body of a high caliber. In other words, they had to come to terms.


A select body in the United States was designed to be the liaison between the Greys and earth humans. The military was very enthusiastic, in the hope of exchanging raw materials for alien technology. This liaison group, the political structure, was the National Security Agency. This is what its original purpose was.


— Alex Collier, 1995.

Anonymous ID: 05b6ea Aug. 14, 2018, 5:26 p.m. No.2603191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3501


In my experience the unvarnished truth is always preferable than the comfortable lies. The truth allows us to quickly shed our delusions about the shoe boxes most of us choose to live in and to grow and evolve. The more truth we have, the faster we will evolve. That is way overdue at this point.


While we slow walk the show millions of children are aborted every year. No idea how many are still going missing and being trafficked and serving as food for unsavory types. We are allowing the future of our race - the human race - to be destroyed.


Leftists, liberals, and normies must be made to face the full truth about the horrors of Planned Parenthood so we can quickly disabuse them of any notion that what they are doing has any moral grounds to stand on. We can then save the children and guarantee our future. If we don't stop that and so many other wrong things going on right now with our education systems around the world, with our planet - which is our fucking home - all of this effort will have been for nothing and we will still destroy ourselves very soon.

Anonymous ID: 05b6ea Aug. 14, 2018, 5:46 p.m. No.2603613   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, I have heard how benevolent star nations who are helping us, have rescued some captive children in underground places and others, children who went through horrible things. They have taken these children to heal them. They may come back to Earth in the future, to teach us the way.