Anonymous ID: 73b625 Aug. 14, 2018, 5:40 p.m. No.2603494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3544



To understand MOS = MOSSAD


Go back to 1948 when Israel then Palestine was owned by Britain UK.

UK is owned by the British Royal family which has been owned by the Rothschild bankers since the days of Queen Victoria.


In gratitude for the Rothschilds controlling the British royals families $$$ they were allowed to marry into the Royalty and get their titles too.


Then Britain agrees to give the Rothschilds their own country after WW2 - Israel. Mossad the mil-intel branch could learn from British intel since they had govt secret service systems since the 1500’s under Queen Lizzie One.


Also check out whether or not Napoleon’s main squeeze Josephine was a Rothschild ward. And what guest was Prince Rudolf the heir of the Austrian Royal empire (Holy Roman Empire) sleeping when he took his last suspicious sleep? Was he an early arkanacide? Where in Switzerland was his mom the Queen staying when she was doffed?


Then go back to where Radio and TV in USA came from — UKs WTS —BBC —> RCA / NBC the UKs USA propaganda branch.

Then on to UK spy Mr Steele and bringing down the arch enemy of the English kings, descendant of the Scots Kings (Robert the Bruce etc) the Donald as in Trump and it all starts to get clearer.


Rothschilds own Israel

Mossad is Israel’s HQ for all UK intel

UK owned by British royals related to their Bank owner’s the Rothschilds.

BBC and RCA/NBC same megaphone.

Remember the little RCA doggie listening to his UK master?

That’s you, the USA (and UK) doggie.

Listening to the master.


The Scots King descendant the Donald (means “Chief”) stopped listening thus he must be stopped.