Anonymous ID: a78cbe Aug. 14, 2018, 5:41 p.m. No.2603513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3643


• NSA analysts, using the XKeyscore program, can search through enormous databases of emails, online chats, and browsing histories of targets. — July 31, 2013


• The NSA accessed and collected data through back doors into US internet companies such as Google and Facebook with a program called Prism. — June 7, 2013


• Monitoring stations set up in Australia and New Zealand help feed data back to NSA's XKeyscore program. — July 6, 2013


• Britain's GCHQ, using a program called Optic Nerve, intercepted and stored webcam images from millions of Yahoo users, then passed them on to the NSA's XKeyscore database. — February 28, 2014


• The Washington Post publishes a new slide detailing NSA's "Upstream" program of collecting communications from tech companies through fiber-optic cables to then feed into its Prism database. — July 10, 2013




Anonymous ID: a78cbe Aug. 14, 2018, 5:47 p.m. No.2603643   🗄️.is 🔗kun



• The NSA tapped the mobile phone of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. — October 23, 2013


• The NSA spied on Italian citizens, companies, and government officials. — October 24, 2013


• The NSA stations surveillance teams at 80 locations around the world. — October 27, 2013


• A joint program between the NSA and Britain's GCHQ called Muscular infiltrates and copies data flowing out of Yahoo and Google's overseas data centers. One slide boasted of "SSL added and removed here!" with a smiley face. — October 30, 2013


• The NSA spied on the Vatican. (The Panorama website did not cite Snowden as the source.) — October 30, 2013


• Australia's intelligence service has surveillance teams stationed in Australian embassies around Asia and the Pacific. — October 31, 2013


• One document reveals tech companies play a key role in NSA intelligence reports and data collection. — November 1, 2013