Anonymous ID: c1d01b Aug. 14, 2018, 5:34 p.m. No.2603353   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The bottom line is this…


Q, please tell POTUS that the solution is new law… Legislation that clarifies a few very big things.


1) ALL of these tech companies need to be specified as PLATFORMS, not PUBLISHERS. Because they are platforms, they are not liable for any content that is put on them. This is VITAL to keeping our freedoms. Once they are deemed to be PUBLISHERS, they are liable for anything posted on them.


This causes two huge problems. ONE is that they can then be sued for copyright violations… which you would think would take down Facebook in an instant.


SECOND… once they are no longer shielded from liability, they then have every reason to make "reasonable" rules about what is allowed… the VERY FIRST STEP will be to censor anything they deem to be "hate speech" that opens them up to what THEY claim is "liability"… meaning, ALL conservative voices are instantly silenced.


THEY WANT THIS! THEY WANT IT DESPERATELY! They want an excuse to "reasonably" censor conservatives, under the auspices of "protecting themselves from liability for harm done to others".


2) The second thing that MUST be done is there MUST be a law passed that deems all records held by private companies to be THE PROPERTY OF THE INDIVIDUAL USER, CUSTOMER, ETC… and that the company MUST hold those records safe and secure from government seizure in the same manner as any individual would do so for themselves. This means that without a warrant, the government could NOT simply peek in to your data, whether the IT company is wanting to be compliant or not. We must COMPEL these companies to treat our data as if it is within our own four walls of our homes, and that they do NOT own it, so they can't simply do with it what they will. In the age of data, we must protect THE PEOPLE from having things out there "in the cloud" from being used against us because it's not within our own homes, and thus "not protected" by the 4th amendment.