Anonymous ID: 1ee9f1 Aug. 14, 2018, 7:52 p.m. No.2605538   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5587



There have been horrible popes in the Church's history.


The Church is not the Pope, neither current, past, nor future. The Pope is an individual.


The Opposition has always sought means to undermine the Church, the Body of Christ, because so much is at stake, always.


However, on matters of the Faith, the Church has been and continues to be protected.


These are distinctions of great importance.


Corruption of humankind is the Opposition's advantage but God wins. The "red pill" has always been with us. It is as ancient as can be.

Anonymous ID: 1ee9f1 Aug. 14, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.2605804   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5811 >>5870



When you view the top of the map, how might you distinguish from the rest what to which "THE KEY" refers?


Proximity, on the map, to other items? At the top; of the map are two labels in quotation marks. "THE KEY" and "DIVIDE & CONQUER".


A line with arrow heads at each end links THE VATICAN CATHOLICISM with Unification of Italy (1815-1871) Kingdom of Italy.


A short double-headed line links Kingdom of Italy and((encircled) ITALY MUSSOLINI PM (1922-1843) National Fascist Party, The Lateran Treaties 1928, Vatican State recognized.


That last item signifies that the Vatican State is distinguished from the Italian State. Different, but related, entities.


Indeed, throughout the map this appears to be a distinct theme and may be "THE KEY", rather than the Vatican (or Catholicism).


The key might be understood in legend form โ€“ as a guide to mind's eye illustration of the landscape โ€“ in terms of symbolism rather than literalism.


To return to my earlier comments: The Pope is an individual and is not The Church, the Body of Christ. Even horrible popes in past have not undermined The Faith, which is protected, even as the Opposition takes full advantage of the corruption of humankind. The Faith is for the salvation of humankind โ€“ individuals, yes.


The red pill is as ancient as can be.