Anonymous ID: 3efe91 Aug. 14, 2018, 7:31 p.m. No.2605252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5253 >>5286 >>5433 >>5443 >>5544

Been following along with some of the Kenton Island digs, and thought I'd chime in with some digs on a nearby island in the Puget Sound–especially since Q #1869 asked:


Do people travel to islands to [Fish]?

How many billionaires own islands?

How many billionaires live on islands?


Much of the dig revolves around the testimony of Tony Rodriguez, whose tale is complicated and fascinating to listen to. He's given scores of interviews with many interviewers/research that you can search out for yourself. The Quick Rundown (just giving relevant detail here) is that in the 1980's he went thru TBMC starting at about 9 years of age at a facility somewhere near China Lake, in which they trained children to be psychics. Says they then brought him to Peru where he would board C-130's loaded with cocaine, be given an IV drug drip, and while unconscious, could provide useful info for the smugglers. At around puberty he lost the ability, then was sent back to Seattle to work for as a sex slave on the estate of a now deceased billionaire who was a practicing Satanist. Said they'd host political fundraisers, kids were bought and sold there and that sometimes guys from the military take kids from the property to bring to events. Also describes the pedo blackmail aspect of things where the kids would be on the lawn, naked and chained up, and there'd be someone in the bushes with a camera/telescopic lens to get compromising material on these politicians. Also talks about being forced to drink the blood of a murdered 5-6 year old boy…


Now, I will say that Tony doesn't mention the name of the island, the name of the billionaire/satanist nor the name of the estate (he claims he's doing so because he "doesn't want to stir up the hornets nest") but I used my autism to narrow it down to one candidate that meets all the criteria.


Criteria (according to Tony's testimony):


>Died a few years back (I think he said 'sometime in the 2000's')

>Owned or managed a shipping business

>Lived on a island you can ferry to from Seattle

>"He had 6-7 houses on 500 acres

>Explicitly called the 500 acre estate "a farm"



Anonymous ID: 3efe91 Aug. 14, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.2605253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5263 >>5411 >>5433 >>5443 >>5832 >>5875



There's pretty much only one person/place that fits all the criteria: Thomas J. Stewart/Vashon's 525-acre Misty Isle Farm

He supposedly died in a helicopter accident in 2010, which after nearly 3 years was ruled an accident, but his lawyer disagrees, and ya know, 7/10

Not sure who owns the estate now

From one of the linked articles: Stewart was a stalwart Republican who held summer picnics at his expansive Island estate that drew GOP luminaries such as Newt Gingrich, Jack Kemp and Trent Lott.

"Stewart was the chairman and CEO of Services Group of America, a privately held food service corporation that he founded more than 20 years ago…"

I'm not sure if there's much more I can say that Tony doesn't do a better job of describing or that isn't laid out in shared articles

Maybe anons can dig more into Thomas J. Stewart and connect some more dots


P.S. Something I didn't mention, but is relevant is that the stuff Tony talks about is really 'out there'–another tier above the typical SRA stuff. Tony claims that he your typical alien abduction experience at around 9 years of age, but that, in essence, his consciousness/mind/soul was copy-pasted into a Military Industrial Complex MK ULTRA clone body used for 20 years of essentially slave labor in what is known as a "20 and back". Corey Goode and others talk about this type of stuff, but apparently there are various techniques/technologies involved with 20 and backs. In Tony's case, there were essentially 2 of him, neither one really aware of the other. Slave Tony served his 20 years, much of it off planet, before being killed/retired, and Regular Tony simply thought he had a typical alien abduction experience as a child and that was the full extent of it until he had an MRI done in 2015 and then a total recall of Slave Tony's memories a few weeks later. How Regular Tony gained access to his clone's memories is somewhat of an existential mystery implying the mind/consciousness/soul is nonlocal, but he did mention that Regular Tony would sometimes dream about what Clone Tony was experiencing roughly in realtime and that when Clone Tony would go through a rough/emotional experience, Regular Tony would feel inexplicably down/depressed. Again, I realize this is pretty far out stuff, but more and more people seem to be coming out of the woodwork to talk about this 20 and back stuff, and Tony speculates from the memories he's accessed that this type of stuff happens in the millions and would help to explain the Pentagon's missing $20 trillion.

