Anonymous ID: 8d0693 Aug. 14, 2018, 8:28 p.m. No.2605922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5967 >>6741 >>6796

>>2604547 pb


>But WHY did Obama hate Israel so much & especially Bibi?

The Cabal appears to be SPLIT between two main Social Engineering factions; generally a Right and a Left Wing (think Run-The-Ball vs West Coast Offense)…the right wing is more Henry Kissinger style, the left wing is more Zbigniew Brzezinski/George Soros style…after the GW Bush term, the Obama/Soros/Brzezinski seemed to think that "hey what if we just threw the ball on every play, we can score so many more points if we just throw the ball all the time"…didn't work, was pure amateur hour, pissed off everybody who had been "in the game" longer than Team Obama, ended up bringing the whole system down (coupled with the unlikely rise of the American messiah in Trump of course too)…When all is said and done, the story of how Obama's dumb-shit-arrogance brought down the Cabal is going to be a story for the millenia…Obama is literally a man who believed his shit smelled divine (and wrote books about it)…my guess is the Obama/Bibi squabbles were real and due to Obama's arrogance


>Why is POTUS so friendly with him?

Trump & The Alliance's foreign policy plans appear to be something like a "Clean Slate"…basically, even if you betrayed the United States 666 times in the past, you didn't betray Trump you betrayed some other Cuck Leader, so Trump won't hold it against you…But "new betrayals as of January 2017 will count, and is the only score that matters"


>what seems like really good relationships (Trump & Bibi) are actually foes & Obama & Bibi were actually conspiring together?

Trump & The Alliance must have struck "the deal of all deals" with Bibi…how else can you explain Q saying "we are saving Israel fro last" but that has led to no response from Israel…as of now, we just have to hope that that deal is a good one for the US…but yes, it remains the Big Mystery in the plan

Anonymous ID: 8d0693 Aug. 14, 2018, 9:11 p.m. No.2606486   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Mossad mantra: "By way of deception thou shalt do war"


Two Concepts for understanding Mossad, the Media and Hollywood:


>What do they tell you to do if you come across a Bear in the woods to scare it off? MAKE YOURSELF APPEAR BIG

>Think deeply about what Fairytale Films are conveying, specifically 'The Wizard of OZ'


Mossad/Israel are only one "branch" of the Cabal...By my count, the Cabal is essentially the "Atlanticists" that Dugan references (UK, Israel, other European Royalty, Intelligence Agencies, Most Organized Religions, Secret Societies, Crime Networks)...but the Power flows out of Europe, the US was just a Military, Consumer, and Fantasyland satellite of the Cabal post-WW2


Mossad/Israel are in charge of: ILLUSIONS & INFORMATION & LYING


This means MAINSTREAM NEWS...ALT NEWS...MUSIC / MOVIES...and now ALIEN NARRATIVES "Aliens in Antarctica, Bruh!"...ORIGIN STORY NARRATIVES "some Races are Neanderthal and some races aren't, bruh"...etc


But the key thing to keep in mind is that NO MATTER HOW LARGE MOSSAD APPEARS, they are only actually as large as the size of their Army and Weaponry...Similar to the Bear in the Woods scenario, the "JQ" is basically the Bear running away from the "Scary Human"


Did Mossad have a hand in 9/11? Most definitely

Is Mossad 100% responsible for 9/11 from top-to-bottom? Youre retarded

An operation like that requires coord. from so many parties, both before and after

There are many sides to this structure...Mossad is one but not all


But their power APPEARS BIG


I think what Q is trying to tell us is....INFOWARS is definitely fucking Mossad

Anonymous ID: 8d0693 Aug. 14, 2018, 9:22 p.m. No.2606677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6705 >>6725 >>6762 >>6791



finding out in 2018 that Mossad has a lot of influence in the US, but so does China

is like finding out that your Wife was cheating on you with your Neighbor

then slowly finding out that she was cheating with the entire neighborhood

Mossad's probably the worst of it

But it's everybody

That's why 50% of the country is still doing the la-la-la-la-fingers-in-ears thing…b/c they don't even want to think about what cheating they might have missed their entire lives