Little history. After Solomon the nation of Israel split. 10 tribes north never worshipped the God of their father Abraham, but worshipped false gods. They were invaded and dispersed. The southern kingdom of Judah, 2 tribes, with Jerusalem as their capital worshipped the One True God for the most part.
One king, Manasseh, did worship another god and was taken to Babylon. He repented. Was permitted to take back his kingdom and then he TORE DOWN THE ALTARS. His grandson, Josiah, led the nation in a great revival.
Oh, the holy ones of the north did migrate to Judah so they could worship God. In the Old Testament, believers are called "holy ones" or as we know them, saints.
Today, there are two groups of people. Pagans or saints. God's plan is to show the world His glory through the nation of Israel. That won't change.
BTW, the most hated religious group in Israel are Messianic Jews.