The whole voodoo thing got me thinking about Spells, cermonies and the conjuring of bringing dead souls, specifically certain dead evil rothschild/queen/cabal souls back to life via these rituals. So that the dead person's soul can come back and finish what they started so to speak, and because they need someone alive to bring this about. This would be for all forms of this dark practice, such as voodoo, Luciferianism etc. They entice the innocent into their lair or they breed etc. I don't know all about this but if you watch Skeleton Key, it is much about this.
Found this website. I believe GOD is all you need and you need to surround yourself with the light and love of the Lord.
But i think this is just good primer on what the energies are with a positive message. thats all.
the actual name of this website is rather interesting doncha think?