>How long did it take to locate/kill UBL?
According to mainstream history he evaded US for 10 years dragging a dialysis machine around with him. Not bad for a guy living in caves with no access to advanced medical facilities.
>Why did the WH put itself in the middle of every OP?
To telegraph plans to the enemy
>Why did POTUS immediately remove the WH from the CoC military engagement equation?
So the military can achieve it's objectives swiftly without interference from bad actors in DC
Muslim convert
Claims to be Christian, yet wears the ring
muslim advisor to Hussain
Bottom line they were using America to destroy America. Whoever wasn't a convert was probably made very rich in exchance for cooperation. But we all know even the MB are the puppets of someone even higher. The Satan worshipers are still above them, and are using islam as their weapon against the free people of earth