Anonymous ID: 6d991e Aug. 15, 2018, 5:57 p.m. No.2619195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9733



Mikdad: Syria determined to get back every piece of its territory

Deputy Foreign and expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad affirmed on Wednesday that Syria is determined to get back every piece of its territory to the control of the Syrian state.


ISIS Attacks Key Government-Controlled Oil Field In Southern Deir Ezzor


Turkey Promised Local Pro-Militant Figures In Idlib To Prevent Syrian Army Advance – Report

Turkish officials allegedly claimed that the deployment of large units of the SAA around the northern governorate of Idlib is northing more than “psychological warfare” and promised that Turkish observation posts will not be withdrawn.


According to the pro-opposition news outlet, the meeting was held at the Turkish observation post in the town of Murak in the northern Hama countryside. Public figures from the towns of Umm Elkhalayel, Khuwayn, Sukayk, al-Tamanah and Atshan attended the meeting.


Few hours later, Syrian opposition sources said that Turkish trucks carrying pre-built cabins entered the northern governorate of Idlib and headed towards the Murak observation post. During the last two months, Turkey reinforced all of its observation posts in northern Syria.


Syrian Army’s Artillery Shell Militant Positions In Southern Idlib


Army deploys in Quneitra western countryside after cleansing the area of terrorism


On the Syrian Press Day: Syrian journalists champions of truth and glory

Since the beginning of the terrorist war on Syria, the Syrian journalists have been ready to expose the lies propagated by hostile media with utmost professionalism and patriotism.


Terrorism has not deterred Syrian journalists from carrying out their work out of their national and professional duty, never flinching from risking their lives. Many of them were martyred in the line of duty for the dignity of the nation


Aid distributed among locals in Hamidiya area in Quneitra countryside

The Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) on Tuesday delivered aid to al-Hamidiya area in Quneitra countryside in cooperation with the Governorate as part of the efforts to provide the basic needs of the locals and to restore the normal life to the villages and towns liberated from terrorism.


Higher Judicial Committee for Elections: Over 41 thousand candidates running for local administration councils’ elections

Anonymous ID: 6d991e Aug. 15, 2018, 5:58 p.m. No.2619215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9733

Exclusive–Eric Eggers: Nearly 250 Counties Have More Registered Voters than Eligible Voters


Nearly 250 counties across the United States have more registered voters on the voting rolls than the number of eligible, citizen voters, Government Accountability Insititute (GAI) research director Eric Eggers reveals in his new book.


Eggers told Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow on SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, as his new book, Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election, details, that voter fraud in the U.S. is a real issue that has yet to be dealt with.


“You have 248 counties in this country that have more registered voters than you have citizens of legal voting age … nearly three million people are registered to vote in more than one state,” Egger said. “Even Barack Obama’s … administration said that yeah, maybe 16 million election registrations are completely inaccurate. And in some states, this is as many as one-in-seven [registrations].”


Eggers said Democrats and left-wing organizations funded by globalist billionaire George Soros fight “at every turn to keep any effort to increase [voter] security,” which he said, “includes leveling the charges of racism anytime a state wants to do anything” about combating voter fraud.


In exclusive Breitbart News interviews, Eggers said the “Democratic Party political machine is built in part on the reliance of illegal votes cast by demographics that vote reliably for Democrats.”


A report chronicled by Breitbart News noted how despite claims that voter ID laws are aimed at suppressing voter turnout among black Americans, the latest Senate election in Alabama debunked this talking point.


In the Alabama Senate runoff election last year — where Roy Moore and Doug Jones fought to take Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ former seat — black Americans turned out in droves to push Jones over the edge to win the election, even as the state had implemented a new voter ID law.


Eggers has said that there is “no evidence” to support the claim that voter ID laws suppress or decrease voter turnout among black Americans.

Anonymous ID: 6d991e Aug. 15, 2018, 6:02 p.m. No.2619286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9367 >>9398

New Haven - More Than 40 Overdose In 24-Hour Period


A 24-hour period saw as many as 46 people overdose in New Haven, Connecticut Wednesday, many of them were on the Green, a privately owned park in the city. Emergency crews were under immense strain to save the lives of the dozens who had overdosed. Police suspect a man who they arrested as a "person of interest" may be involved with the distribution of the drugs. Police Chief Anthony Campbell said the man is out on parole and is "known" to police.


Police say the overdoses are believed to be linked to the synthetic cannabinoid K2 and was laced with Fentanyl. At least 24 of those overdoses took place on the Green, according to Fire Chief John Alston. 34 people were taken to the hospital while another five refused to be treated.


Related coverage: Connecticut Man Robbed A Bank To Impress Taylor Swift


City Office of Emergency Management Director Rick Fontana said police have been stationed on the Green since Tuesday. Emergency services also responded to at least three overdoses in other areas of the city and a source said the DEA confirmed they too were related to the synthetic cannabinoid.


A press release from the office of Mayor Toni N. Harp said as many as 46 "confirmed" overdoses took place in the city. "Today New Haven was on the front lines of a coast-to-coast struggle to combat the public health menace of illicit distribution and use of what appear to be tainted street drugs - as many as 46 cases are confirmed in the city since last night," Harp said.


Related coverage: Pennsylvania - 110 Pounds Of Fentanyl From China Intercepted At Philadelphia Port


Mayor Harp added, "I’m extremely grateful for the timely and effective work of first responders who helped revive, transport, and save these victims." Police and other emergency responders worked for hours to treat victims and transport them to area hospitals. Chief Campell told the public, "We are asking people to not come down to the Green to purchase what is K2. Clearly, there is a bad batch."


Campell added, "We really need to get to the heart of where this is coming from and who’s distributing and make arrests. While emergency personnel was giving an update to the press at 11 a.m. on the Green, another overdose took place. A bystander shouted during the conference, "We have a guy laid out in the alleyway, unresponsive, eyes wide open. He’s out cold." The patients were transported to Yale New Haven Hospital and the YNHH St. Raphael Campus and no deaths have been reported.

Anonymous ID: 6d991e Aug. 15, 2018, 6:07 p.m. No.2619399   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BBC Foreknowledge of 9/11 Collapse of WTC Building Seven: British Man Won Law Suit against BBC for 9/11 Cover Up

Anonymous ID: 6d991e Aug. 15, 2018, 6:08 p.m. No.2619419   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Click here:


Then use the links to download our work!







Anonymous ID: 6d991e Aug. 15, 2018, 6:09 p.m. No.2619433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9453 >>9458 >>9533

If you are new here understand this is not a chat room, lurk for a few weeks before posting, watch how the board operates, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!


When anyone counters a post demand proof aka sauce for their argument!





Anonymous ID: 6d991e Aug. 15, 2018, 6:11 p.m. No.2619476   🗄️.is 🔗kun

James 1:1-11


1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations:



Anonymous ID: 6d991e Aug. 15, 2018, 6:15 p.m. No.2619557   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I posted in the bread which Q was posting in this got missed. Here's the fox article and DOJ link.


US officials: Iraqi refugee was part of terror group


SACRAMENTO, Calif. – A refugee from Iraq was arrested Wednesday in Northern California on a warrant alleging that he killed an Iraqi policeman while fighting for the Islamic State organization.


Omar Abdulsattar Ameen, 45, and other members of ISIS killed the officer after the town of Rawah, Iraq, fell to the Islamic State in June 2014, according to court documents.


He was arrested by the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force at a Sacramento apartment building based on a warrant issued in May by an Iraqi federal court in Baghdad. U.S. officials plan to extradite him back to Iraq under a treaty with that nation, and he made his first appearance in federal court in Sacramento on Wednesday.


Ameen could face execution for the "organized killing by an armed group" according to Iraqi documents filed in U.S. federal court.


Prosecutors say Ameen entered the U.S. under a refugee program, eventually settling in Sacramento, and attempted to gain legal status in the United States. It wasn't immediately clear when Ameen came to the U.S.


The Trump administration has sharply criticized the Obama-era settlement program, questioning whether enough was done to weed out those with terrorist ties.


Officials said Ameen kept secret his membership in two terrorist groups when he applied for refugee status, and later when he applied for a green card in the United States.


State Department and Department of Homeland Security officials did not immediately respond to questions about Ameen.


Benjamin Galloway, one of Ameen's public defenders, said he had just 10 minutes to meet with his client prior to his initial federal court appearance Wednesday afternoon and attorneys hadn't decided whether to contest that Ameen is in fact the man wanted by Iraqi authorities.


Ameen was identified by a witness to the slaying who viewed a series of photographs of ISIS members, according to the Iraqi documents.


The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force has been investigating Ameen for filing fraudulent travel or immigration documents since 2016, according to a court filing. It says the FBI independently corroborated Ameen's involvement with the terrorist organizations and participation in the slaying.


Ameen remained dressed in street clothing including a light blue T-shirt as he appeared in court handcuffed to a chain around his waist. U.S. Magistrate Judge Edmund Brennan ordered him detained until his next court appearance set for Monday, accepting prosecutors' argument that Ameen is dangerous and a flight risk.


Prosecutors said in court filings that the release of an alleged member of a designated foreign terrorist organization would be a national security risk.


The Iraqi arrest warrant and extradition request say that Ameen entered his hometown of Rawah in the Anbar province of Iraq with a four-vehicle ISIS caravan and drove to the home of Ihsan Abdulhafiz Jasim, who had served with the Rawah Police Department. He and at least five other named suspects opened fire and the man shot back, but the documents allege that Ameen fatally shot the man in the chest as he lay on the ground.


The militants later claimed responsibility for the slaying on social media.


The FBI has interviewed at least eight witnesses who identify the Ameen family — including Ameen himself, his father, brothers, and paternal cousins — as affiliated with al Qaeda and ISIS, prosecutors said.


Court documents say Ameen's family also aided al Qaeda in Rawah and that Ameen was a member of both al Qaida in Iraq and ISIS. The documents allege that he did a number of things in support of the groups, including helping plant improvised bombs.