Anonymous ID: 8d4e51 Aug. 15, 2018, 6:23 p.m. No.2619738   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I was listenting to an illuminati interview a while back, I forget the name now.

But thinking about Anderson Cooper, all of these kids are ritualistically abused to instill certain programming into them depending on what their given mission is.

The one that stands out is this woman was describing being locked in a room for hours and hours with no food or water as a child.

Then her mother would come in and drink a glass of water, if the little girl asked if she could have some the mother slapped her across the room.

This would happen several times until the child stopped asking.

Then a stranger would come in a few times and drink water while the kid is still very thirsty, and the stranger would eventually give the child water.

From what I remember this is a typical lesson of these cabal kids, to teach them something like never give into your impulses or something.

And thinking about "Anderson Cooper" and other cabal kids, I'm fairly certain they might have experienced this trauma based programming, or something very similar.

So drinking water, or making a point of drinking water could have been a huge trigger for these cabal kids, Obama included.