Anonymous ID: 0a238e Aug. 15, 2018, 6:34 p.m. No.2619963   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Milagros digz


Hens, roosters and chickens: The hen is actually a very powerful symbol, as are all of the animal milagros. This one might represent one’s own hen, seeking blessings so that she might always lay good eggs. Or, it might symbolize human qualities like those of a mother hen - the concept of mothering.


Bulls, cows: The bull might symbolize strength, husbanding, protection, stamina, endurance. Horses: The horse might symbolize the qualities of a man in being a workhorse, or travel, and be involved in a prayer about a journey.


Mules, like the horse, might symbolize the qualities of a man in being a workhorse - being able to "work like a mule" - or it might symbolize travel, and be involved in a prayer about a journey. It might also be involved in a prayer or a charm to overcome stubbornness, in either in oneself or in another.


Sheep, lambs, goats: The sheep could symbolize any of the Bible verses about sheep. It could also symbolize the concept of togetherness, the fealty one feels for one’s groups, or family. It might also be used a charm to try and erase the effects of behavior that is typically described in a negative way as being like that of a sheep - such as giving into peer pressure with negative results, or, say, the concern of a parent that her child may be involved with a harmful cult or some other group that one does not approve of.


Dogs: The family dog milagros could symbolize loyalty. It could also symbolize protection, such as what a sheep dog affords the herd.

