Anonymous ID: 2e8ebd Aug. 15, 2018, 6:36 p.m. No.2619984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0094

Asking for sauce if god is real and then saying anecdotal memories is not sauce. Its the most idiotic thing i have heard yet. You are asking for physical proof from a being that would literally wipe and destroy our reality if he "physically" made his presence know to us in our realm.


Is likr asking a 3 dimensional thing to exist in 2 dimensions and still keep its depth,width and height.


Jesus was gods attempt to exist simultaneously in our 3 dimensional plane. Literally breaking its omnipresent being into a lower level we could understand and see. Because we are stupid sometimes and need visual aids. And yes we still managed to ignore him.


Free will man…that's the point of it…faith.

You damn right god is a notable…every time it should be. Are you saying q team is full of it for saying "pray" "read the bible god wins" etc etc.


Hey buddy, they are telling us the choices to know is ours… not everyone will swallow it. You IMHO are a perfect representation of why Q has to cook this brisket super freaking slow!


It all literally points to our god and the bible and us constantly fucking it all up and not listening and us choosing to have our own version of reality individually that makes us feel better and is a good excuse in our minds for our bullshit.


Bro, you dont want to believe in god, no problem, he dont care if you do anymore. He's is about done. This is literally last call and wake up call for all of us! How many of us "good" can honestly say we are without sin? I aint, i fucked up alot… so much to the point it makes me want to vomit.


This last year as been one constant gigantic mirror session on how much i have fucked up and i got a lot of shit to answer for. And the storm coming is also for me as much has it is for the cabal/deepstate/pedo fucks.


I may not be a bad person to that degree, but my bullshit stinks too. And i am ashamed. The only reason i can say this is because god is real with out a shadow of a doubt…its a mathematical fact at this point. Sound familiar??Yeah i stole that last past. But its true. But dude we are fighting satan worshiping human, who commit crimes that break your soul to piece. Dont you think there us another side that represents what they are rejecting? If there is a devil and humans do unspeakable acts for him. Then there has to be a god too…who has been fighting for his children to come back to him and repent.


We choose, by our own free will to serve him. To acknowledge him. To try to fix the wrongs. Kinda how a patriot chooses tto serve our country and protect the idea of freedom,liberty and justice so help me GOD. See why if this is really going to work out and if we really going to get to right this ship…it has to be under his blessing period. This cant be questioned anymore or ever again. Or we will end up in the gutter again for good this time.


Before you blow me up bro, ill say it…i know i wont and dont deserve his mercy…and i am here for the kids…my kids. So they dont have to walk in the filth we all created. So they dont waste their time. So they can have an open line to HIM and they can be whole for their existence.


I strongly and humbly object to the notable questioning if god is real or not. BO/BV/Q