Biljana djurdjevic, Tony Podesta's favorite “artist”, paint some children tortured with red shoes. The mentally disturbed artist that paint those sick pieces of trash is Biljana Djurdjevic from Belgrade, Serbia.
ask her about the green room…where is it at?
Biljana Djurdjevic
Academy of Fine Arts – Belgrade, Serbia
Biljana Đurđević born 1973. in Belgrade, Serbia,
Finished Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade.
Received DA at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade
Who is your biggest influence, both art and non-art related
a)For me very important is passion for work, of course some of them are more important then others, for sure German philosophy like Friedrich Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Schiller, writers like Kafka, Bulgakov, Bela Hamvas, David Bowie…
q)your contacts….e-mail…links
a)Biljana Djurdjevic
Possibly a better photo of Gloria Vanderbilt's creepy jewelry…