>>2624155 old
Empty pools. Indoor watering holes. Watch the water? Controlled, these children, are souls being scortched.
Think of even pondering the possibility of asking someone, anyone, to bring children to pose – even if nothing else is to transpire?
Would a parent or guardian consent? Not normal. So … without consent? Without parents – orphans, stranded children, captured?
The group of kids must have reacted regardless of anything else that may or may not have followed. Put on these clothes! Together, stand, do this, do that, as photos are taken? As paintings are painted?
Might these be drawn not from actual events in empty pools? Composites from different perhaps less sinister contexts?
Pool. Can mean something other than a swimming hole, or a bath, or an aquatic structure. Can mean a collection, a resource to be tapped, as in pooled resources?
What is the purpose of Q's drawing attention to any of this, now, at this time, as the Plan matures and enfolds openly?