Was digging on Banking fraud and came across a familiar name:
Richard Russell…
Interesting coincidence.
Richard Russell, one of the world’s most knowledgeable and respected financial advisors recently stated that fiat money is “the greatest fraud ever perpetuated on the American public.” Fiat money is paper currency, backed by nothing of intrinsic value – currency that derives its value solely by the faith placed in it by the people and nations who hold it. Every fiat currency in the history of the world has been devalued by government to the point that it has eventually been rendered worthless. Russell, in a recent article entitled “Fiat Money is Headed to the Graveyard, And The Gold Boom Hasn’t Even Begun” writes, “In the big picture, I believe we’re going to put fiat currency to the test. Fiat money allowed the U.S. to experience boom. Fiat money produced the tech bust, the equities bust and the housing bust. Fiat money is the vehicle that is created and sponsored by the world’s central banks. Fiat money will prove to be a fraud. Out of the graveyard of fiat money will emerge real intrinsic money – gold.”