What my eyes see is the length of chain above the popes cross charm connecting to the necklace….makes it an inverted cross
These remind me of Hussein’s fugly painting
Some use the feet as targets for torture…they have so many nerve endings. Great pain can be inflicted and hidden here
Saturns cube on the floor
Yes, but look it up….it’s truly a hexagon, but turned sideways into a cube
Their slaves clean the pool
This IS the universal symbol.TY
The egg, seed, tree, fruit AND flower of life
Plus the VESICA PISCES are all depicted here
It is the MOST ancient story of Creation and if you don’t understand it, then you cannot understand the CREATOR
I keep wondering if they used the Biltmore for hunting….
You can’t imagine that ((())) May have hijacked some symbols?
Drunvalo Melchizedek is a great resource if you are inclined to expand your thinking