I get really sick of people praising someone like Mandela.
I've been lurking every day and rarely if ever posting for more than a year, please give me a break
Anyone have information on why the red shoes?
I heard they were made from human skin, at least some of them. May have been a CDAN post.
That's right, I'm pretty sure that was it. Red shoes seem to be a thing in Hollywood, the Vatican…a Jesuit thing? Their sly-faced winkery makes me think they just love hiding things that disgust us in things that look very innocuous. Irony is their primary humor I suppose.
Part of the major disagreement with labeling God with a symbol or name is that God is thought by many spiritualists and theologians to be all encompassing. So everything that exists is God, what symbol is possibly appropriate for "EVERYTHING"
Infinity symbol? Even that is the roughest of approximations