Morning anons….
Different tone from Q…almost happy…
Morning anons….
Different tone from Q…almost happy…
Check the hands…blood? The WHY of these pictures is not known either. Were these kids the abusers or the abused? Or both?
Also check clinched fists…
These all stem from hyperdimensional physics…tetrahedron
Hang in! Next step is MEGA…Q' last post with the countries that are "closed for business" should be encouraging…only a matter of time anon…
Why the anal sex slide?
How are young boys raped? Isn't it obvious?
Saturn slide WAY WAY more interesting…have heard OLD and ANCIENT things about saturn…but no sauce yet…might be in the 40%!
Jeez..anyone else read this article? This guy is one dumb choad…
anon…weirdly this relates to the post about the Kaiser foundation earlier in this loaf…
Kaiser are good buds with another Oklahoma family called the Gaylord's…which is reflected in your meme (blood type: GAYLORD)…
Has anyone dug up WHY they like to feed us our own shit? Almost every report of kids in cages is also accompanied by feeding them shit…
Think of the Mickie Dees reports of human meat or shit…
Think of the Starbucks reports of shit in the coffee…
My 2 cents..THEY think THEY are alien and better than us. They think we are monkeys…they (probably) think they designed us…
But, point is they literally consider themselves another species and race…
Was on voat at the beginning…
No Q, we did our own digs…
Voat was pre-Q and agree a necessary piece…so much established thru pizzagate…regrettably we lost a few great researchers in the transition…
Well well well…nice catch and agree.
Was reading an article back in pizzagate days about how Podesta's mother bought each of the boys 12 slaves on their 18 birthday..or maybe it was 13…
Also, a TON..I mean a shit ton of data on voat about art tied to child trafficking…hell swordfish even posted a lengthy piece with ties also to rock bands…
we will all need to "expand" our thinking a bit when it comes to our place in the universe and religion…
Perhaps Higher laws? Perhaps laws deal with Sovereignty as a being?
then some really cool shit happens…
Leave d9f682 alone..tactic..inflame…
Agree…this is shocking and should be added to our awareness in a way that Seth is…