>>2623948 (lb)
WTF!!?? Not that I have any sympathy for the terrorists, if that's what they are, but aren't they entitled to a trial before property is destroyed?
I know there are good cops in this country but I hate the majority of them. Way too many dirty cops and FAR TOO MANY remain silent when they KNOW others are dirty. FUCK the thin blue line!
I sure as hell don't understand POTUS not speaking out about the dirty cops out there. Instead he seems to hold ALL of law enforcement on a pedestal.
How about the cops in the midwest that flash banged an infant in his crib…..a fucking INFANT because they had the WRONG address. They never apologized and then reneged on paying the medical bills. Baby was permanently disabled. Or how about the cops that FORCED a guy to undergo a colonoscopy in NM for running stop sign. They claimed he had drugs. They took him to one hospital and the doc refused to do the colonoscopy so they shopped him to another hospital and they agreed to do it against the "suspects" will. Never found any drugs in him or even in his system.