Some digging on that creepy necklace.
So what is a MILAGROS? …down the rabbit hole we go.
>”Milagros (also known as an ex-voto or dijes or promesas) are religious folk charms that are traditionally used for healing purposes and as votive offerings in Mexico, the southern United States, other areas of Latin America, and parts of the Iberian peninsula. “…They correspond almost exactly to the tamata used in the Eastern Orthodox Churches.”
Ok, so what’s a TAMATA? This is where the Wikipedia link takes us
>Ceremony and symbolism[edit]
>Tamata may be offered to an icon or shrine of a saint as a reminder of a petitioner's particular need, or in gratitude for a prayer answered.
> wide variety of images may be found on tamata, with the images capable of multiple interpretations. A heart may symbolize a prayer for love or a heart problem. Eyes may indicate an eye affliction, hands or legs may indicate maladies of the limbs, a pair of wedding crowns may mean a prayer for a happy marriage, a torso for afflictions of the body, and so forth.
Now we all know that the cabal love a bit of symbolism, and I think it’s understood that they have corrupted mainstream religion also include references to their Luciferin beliefs, so the fact that there are similarities between the Vanderbilt necklace and Catholic and Orthodox religious symbols should surprise us.
So what next? Well I wonder whether anyone on the internet might have info relating to TAMA and LUCIFER?
A google search throws up a link to an interesting book, THOTH, The Holiest Of The Holies,The Last Testament. A synopsis says:
>”For thousands of years humanity has longed for a truth, revelation, or knowledge that explains the unity of God behind all mystical experiences, previous revelations, and religions of the world, and the truth behind the universe (science). There have been mystical explanations of God from those claiming they have experienced the truth by direct contact with Spirit. There are also those who have founded great religions of the world. However, a great confusion still reigns among spiritualists, religions of the world, and the many different branches within each religion. If you study this Book carefully, with a sincere mind and an Open Heart, it will be revealed to you that the major religions on earth are not contradictory and separated at all. In fact they are complementary and were sent to earth systematically by One God. When this is understood, the Path to Salvation (Eternal Divine Path) is known! This book is the main writing of Maitreya of the Mission of Maitreya:”
I’ve not read the book but looking at the goggle books link, it opens at a page what says:
“Lucifer, Angel: same as Tama guna”
A quick scan of the page, and what the content reminds me is the Hidden Hand Luciferian info that was on Reddit a while back, in particular what the Luciferarians
So where does this TAMA GUNA come from, remembering that there were religions around before Christianity, so any links there?
Kriya Yoga, By Yoga Niketan, Sri Sailendra Bejoy Dasqupta has reference to this and TAMA GUNA is referred to as the: “… negative pole”. This is supposedly the role these Luciferins see themselves playing in this world
Kriysa Yoga:
THOTH also has lots of references to TAMA GUNA and as you will see it’s all about the dark side.
So what might this all mean?
Gloria Vanderbilt has a necklace that looks to be a satanic version of similar items that are worn in in a Christian context. The goddess element of that necklace, when we trace the name in the Christian version:
We end up right back at LUCIFER!
My analysis would then be that we are looking at pre-history symbolism here. Really old stuff, my guess would be Babylonian. Symbolism that was later taken on by Christianity, probably to ensure the Luciferarian symbolism could remain in plain sight for all those bloodlines.