>>2624750 lb
>colonialism was what? didn't millions of colored people die during that era?
>tell me africa and india were the ones who invaded europe. go on, tell me.
Bullshit. Very provable. How many millennia had passed before European people set upon ships to discover new lands? And in that time what the fuck was Africa doing doing? And I'm not talking about the Egyptians building pyramids because they have been found to have large amounts of European DNA. What was subsahara Africa doing? They didn't have a written language, couldn't build anything over one story, no means of agriculture, no documented history, no mathmatics. It was shit. So yea, a bunch of low IQ sub-sharan niggers did invade an Indo-european land before modern Europeans set upon it.
Vedic culture is also indoeuropean culture. Thats why the caste system existed in the first place because the higher caste(lighter skin, hair and eyes with obvious indo-european features) was of a simply better caliber genetic stock/race. So yea, a bunch of low IQ browns did invade indoeuropean lands and thats why India is the SHITHOLE it is today.