Can we get a photoshop or digital photo specialist look at the faces, they look imposed compared to the rest of the paintings? Maybe a sick imposition of a real pic? Possible facial recognition?
Some pieces I gathered digging.
Jimmy Euringer(Urine) from MSI is married to Chantal Claret who’s is friends with and goes to pedo themed parties with James Gunn who hires Urine to work and collab on projects.
Follow up
Unsure, the ear in the first is what caught my eye first. >>2624740
Have literally been googling every building with “pool” “swimming” “bath” “locker room” “remodel” after it trying to find anything for hours.
Do we have any time frame of when that was to see if there were any ST/CP busts in Rome or close by? Also, do we have any public common treads he does other than ruin children >>2624767
Notable link
Strap on your boots, believe I found a nice start to the possible Venice locations
Do you think the people who clean out the pool drainage is a homie of theirs or do you think they pay people off? Viscera and blood is thick and dries up. They don’t seem to want to do their own dirty work sometimes. Trying to think of other angles to heads down
Necklace is a stretch but I did not notice those similar tiles patterns and I’ve been looking at them all nice. Good on ya>>2624981
Do you think there are more than one building with tiles like this or is the artist just being a troll
…or the blood they’re trying to cover with their hands
This is the man who is on the coin in the last post. Interesting rise to power, seems familiar
I’ll get back to it then, damn>>2625235
Any of the endless neck beards have access to xboxlive acts/emails attached?>>2625294
You don’t think one major things Q needs people to accomplish is feel involved and alert fulfill the their own part of our collective heroes journey?