Gotta admit… I'm kinda pissed right now, and I'm pissed @ Q.
Why? Because he's promising BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, then he comes along with this fucking DISTRACTION of a scavenger hunt, with Guatemalan jewelry that is utterly meaningless… doing his hand-wavy "LOOK OVER HERE, HERE'S A DISTRACTION TO KEEP YOU GUYS BUSY AND LET YOU FORGET THE FACT THAT I PROMISED BOOM AFTER BOOM AFTER BOOM!"
Sorry, but we already KNOW about the cabal… we already know about the child sacrifices… all Q is doing is feeding us Outrage Porn to keep us satiated and distract us from the lack of REAL BOOMS going on.
All these Q drops tonight… and not a single BOOM in the lot of 'em… But by all means, autists… allow yourself to be distracted by a stupid internet scavenger hunt! NONE of today's "drops" had any impact on anything except to rile us all up and get us angry and/or excited about what is already well known by all of us. NONE OF IT WAS NEW IN ANY MEANINGFUL WAY!
And look at you all… still this morning, chewing on the bone, with zero meat on it, that Q threw into the pit last night… STILL talking about Podesta's art… STILL talking about the Vanderbilt pool…
Y'all seem to have forgotten THIS:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.145 📁
Aug 12 2018 11:01:42 (EST)📁📁
Why did NBC have a 'confidential' con call yesterday w/ a few of its news affiliates re: the need to remove 'potentially' sensitive Tweets?
Panic @ NBCNews?📁
Has Media Matters been hired to locate and IDEN 'potentially' sensitive Tweets from 'known' characters?
The more you know….
What BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM? You ADHD Autists are so easily distracted!