Q told us to cross against Podesta's trip- travel to Rome.
Here: >>2618307
Prolly not helpful, but when I saw the pic, I thought of this (again)
What I saw in pedo-desta's pic was the steeple and the crescent and it looked almost nearly like the transit of Sirius. His smiling face analogy is lost on me. I see it but he sees a lot more.
It's in all our food, Anon.
Most of our foods contain GMO's; genetically altered to alter our DNA too.
Opioids and other drugs in our water.
These people are evil.
Is it much different than having us sign away our children at birth, turning them in to entities with a name in all CAPS so the corporation can run that entity in a trust and trade against the capital that person will make them over their lifetime?
I get the I will make you fishers of men, that He means to teach them the ways of God, but when you turn that fish upside down, and it becomes a child with their hands above them, like we see in the pools, then what does that say about fishers of men?
Does it mean getting them in to the 'fold'- hook, line, and sinker? j/s
There are so many parts of the New Testament that just don't jive with what Genesis.
Like, why do people go to church and sit in front of the cross and pray to Jesus? God told us he's a jealous God. Not to have idols- only to worship HIM.
Yeah- we all need to stop doing that. Not only is the food bad, but look who made it! Bottom of the barrel, min wage. Most likely have hepatitis or go out on break and shoot themselves up with somethingโฆ they aren't the healthiest people to be preparing our foods. Eat at home! At least you can control the quality and sanitary conditions.
Think Q said 2015/16
papal artifact
Beginnings of divide and conquer and warโฆ because we saw others as different than ourselves when in fact, they/we all came from the same place.
FAKE! How could this possibly be real? GTFO
In what land does a protitutes lawyer get to take a kid he doesn't know, has no connects, with the family and take the kid on an airplane that has no passport? ETF???? FAKE on it sface. USE LOGIC!
I don't need the link. It's crap. Fake as Fake can be. Just cuz they print it, doesn't make it real, right? They so want to make this guy out to be a hero. NEVER gonna happen. Just noticedโฆ cnnโฆ no thx.