Anonymous ID: d22d1f Aug. 16, 2018, 5:24 a.m. No.2625855   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2623651 (pb)


FAKE NEWS all the way

BS Portrait?

I am not going to waste my time looking into this; but I certainly don't believe it either.

New York Times, people.

Why do you believe this shit?

Because it confirms your biases?


Revisit the videos

"The Plan to save the World"


"Killing the Mockingbird"

both are relevant to this PROPAGANDA

Social Engineering!

Plays into your feelings of superiority.

When will you start discerning their BS and stop being MARKS?

Source was NYTimes; not a reliable one.

In regard to "Q" post of yesterday

for the record, the images and tapes of ObL were all falsified. If he was real and still alive why do that?

It's true. Their narrative made no sense. And "Q" pointed that out with his questions.

"How could they not know where he was for all those years?"


But there is more to the story.

The timing of the "capture" was for Hussain's re-election

They forge documents.

The "mastermind" was framed / patsy.

They do fake trials! (did for "Boston Firecracker)

"Boston Marathon Bombing Trial" M. Mathis

Did Gina Haspel work for England and U.S.?

Like Strzoks worked for two agencies [CIA FIA] - Did Strzoks get two paychecks - or paid off the books; secret off shore bank accounts?

Have we been in control of our own country for years by now?



Great News. I noticed also that African American woman smearing POTUS 24/7 on the news cycle was outed as someone who tried to pay for advancement via sex?

All good news. It seems the shills on Twitter must be part of the $100 million + earmarked for Anti -Russian Propaganda. I don't think they are real.

We may be at a turning point. Keep fighting.

Q has reasons for bringing up the Vanderbilt. We haven't gotten to the bottom of it, obviously.

Also, no one seemed to care that the guy on the sofa was Indian Ambassador appointed by Hussain VERMA

I think it is shills and bread wasters who are whining "Oh we've gone over this already. I already know"

What would be the motive to that?

Pretty transparent.


Anonymous ID: d22d1f Aug. 16, 2018, 5:40 a.m. No.2625947   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Now they are hunted"

Should have a question mark next to it.

Since we don't know who "Q" refered to [context exactly]

Maybe "Q" wanted to have some memes surface - to be ahead of some news?

Anonymous ID: d22d1f Aug. 16, 2018, 6:31 a.m. No.2626261   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dude that was an exile from BRUDERHOFcloister in South American created a group called "Aquarius" Community ~ something was around 30 years ago; He flew an old beat up airplane, and was involved with Alt. Community,, in the '90s promoted, IMO , free sex with children

~Art ROSENberg something ?

I think this is the group that took on the name of his newsletter once he was gone.

Has a whole bunch of stuff on New World Order

Anyway, if you google Aquarian newletter - there's a lot of interesting hits.

Also, the wife of the publisher Adam Parfrey, did a movie / documentary about the "The Source" It's a great docu and weird.

A whole book could be written on that cult and probably has been.

The followers let Father Yod die rather than take him for medical treatment "We have to follow the rules"

ex- husband of Docu director [of The Source Family doc ] is Adam Parfrey who "had a accident" this past April and is no longer with us.

Source Family documentary Father YOD

Jody Wille is Parfrey's ex-wife. She is co-director of the film. They founded a publishing business together called "Process ~" Media?

Wiki seems to have censored the entry?

The Father Yod/ cult leader hit on young girls and promoted the "Free Love" ethos.

The "Aquarius" motif show a LIBATION. Which is a Sacrifice. It is pouring WATER on the ground - not human nor animal sacrifice.

I supposed water was scare enough and difficult enough to haul for use , back in the old days, that to waste it,- pour it on the ground, was considered and form of sacrifice.

It's a symbolic sacrifice for those who can obtain plentiful water?

Among Hindu scripture the Water is seen as sacrificed from the clouds into the ground. And that "sacrifice" brings forth the vegetables. Analogy is semen into woman , etc,

Now I'm wondering if Parfrey and Wille even formally divorced? I wonder if she could benefit from his accident. Wille appeared to have joined the cult after she did the film.