Anonymous ID: 16bc21 Aug. 16, 2018, 8:02 a.m. No.2627149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7162 >>7214 >>7229 >>7252 >>7312 >>7318 >>7330 >>7361 >>7363

Has anyone dug on:

Did you ever play HIDE-AND-SEEK?



I just found this….

Unique “Hide ‘N Seek” IoT Botnet May Be a Sign of What’s to Come



The “Hide ‘N Seek” (HNS) Internet of Things botnet is back in action, and now it’s bigger and badder than ever. First spotted in early January 2018, this botnet went M.I.A. for nearly two weeks before researchers at Bitdefender uncovered it once again, with a device count of more than 24,000! What started out as a dozen infected devices in Southeast Asia earlier this month has now become a global phenomenon. How can this level of growth be possible?


HNS owes its alarming momentum to its advanced communication tactics – using custom-built peer-to-peer interactions to rapidly exploit new victims. It also happens to be just the second known botnet to use a decentralized, P2P architecture. According to an SC Magazine report, HNS may represent a concerning and widespread shift in the way cybercriminals seek to leverage botnets. Here’s an excerpt from the article:


“The botnet also uses multiple anti-tampering techniques to prevent a third party from hijacking or poisoning and can perform web exploitations against a series of devices via the same exploit as CVE-2016-10401 and other vulnerabilities against networking equipment.


HNS also embeds a plurality of commands such as data exfiltration, code execution and interference with a device’s operation. The botnet also features a worm-like spreading mechanism that randomly generates a list of IP addresses to get potential targets.”




The Hide ‘N Seek IoT Botnet Just Unlocked a New Achievement: Persistence


The Hide ‘N Seek IoT Botnet Just Unlocked a New Achievement: Persistence

May 8, 2018 By The Editor



Remember when we said the “Hide ‘N Seek” IoT (Internet of Things) botnet may be a sign of what’s to come? Well, according to a blog post published by Bitdefender on May 7, it looks like the prophecy is true. Hide ‘N Seek has infected close to 90,000 devices total (including more than 20,000 over the course of just a few days back in January) and has unlocked an extremely concerning new achievement: Persistence. The latest version of the malware discovered last week is the world’s first to gain persistence (the ability to survive a reboot) on infected devices.


If that wasn’t enough cause for alarm, the most recent version of the Hide ‘N Seek malware also wields new binaries that allow it to target new vulnerabilities and types of devices. In a SecurityWeek report posted earlier today, Bitdefender Senior E-Threat Analyst Bogdan Botezatu elaborates on which IoT devices this malware is targeting. Here’s an excerpt:


“The list is extremely long and features several camera models, but the hardcoded credentials also target several router models. In addition to specific models, the bot also attempts these credentials against Telnet for all sorts of devices. The fact that it has binaries compiled for 10 platforms and architectures shows that the attacker is aiming at enrolling as many devices, regardless of type, maker, and model,” Botezatu said.


“We’ve notified vendors about this,” he added.


Over the past three months, Hide ‘N Seek has been growing steadily although some devices left the botnet, while others joined it. Most likely, the botnet lost those devices “that could not be exploited in a way to offer persistence,” Botezatu said.


According to Botezatu, Hide ‘N Seek appears to be in the growth phase – hunting IoT devices that can be exploited in a way to offer persistence – to help the botnet seize as many devices as possible. But what is Hide ‘N Seek’s end game? Botezu notes that Bitdefender’s researchers have yet to find any support for distributed denial of service (DDoS) in the five versions of the botnet they’ve observed thus far.


The lack of weaponized features in the binary – particularly DDoS, which is the most common objective of IoT botnets found in the wild – indicates that Hide ‘N Seek’s game plan is to get even bigger before it returns again even badder.


You can read the full article on SecurityWeek and learn more about the evolution of this unique IoT botnet here on Secplicity.



Anonymous ID: 16bc21 Aug. 16, 2018, 8:12 a.m. No.2627252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7312 >>7318 >>7330 >>7361


>imagine what they can do that we dont know about. things we couldnt even think of kek.

The reports just getting worse as I keep digging!




Hide N Seek Evolves From Internet of Things (IoT) to Cross-Platform Botnet

A botnet discovered at the start of the year and named Hide 'N Seek (HNS) has expanded from infecting Internet of Things (IoT) devices and is now also targeting cross-platform database solutions as well.


This is an important development in the botnet's evolution, which also passed a significant milestone in May when it became the first IoT malware that was capable of surviving device reboots.


HNS now targets more devices

Now, the Netlab research team at Qihoo 360 says that HNS has expanded beyond the scope of routers and DVRs and is now also targeting database applications running on server operating systems.



Anonymous ID: 16bc21 Aug. 16, 2018, 8:19 a.m. No.2627318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7361



In layman's terms…


This Hide N Seek Malware:

-Infected 20,000 devices Jan 2018 in a matter of days

-By May 2018 had infected over 90,000 devices

-Can survive a device reboot

-Evolved from infecting Routers and DVRS to database applications



Anonymous ID: 16bc21 Aug. 16, 2018, 8:23 a.m. No.2627361   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Wonder if the Hide N Seek Malware has any relation to this…


VPNFilter malware has infected a million routers — here's what you need to know

Malware linked to the Russian government can manipulate your internet traffic, harvest personal information, and serve as a launch point for a broad range of internet attacks.


FBI warning:

F.B.I.’s Urgent Request: Reboot Your Router to Stop Russia-Linked Malware



Anonymous ID: 16bc21 Aug. 16, 2018, 8:52 a.m. No.2627645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7696

Anderson Cooper excerpt from book 'The Rainbow Comes and Goes' about his mother Gloria Vanerbilt, "I have always thought of her as a visitor stranded here; an emissary from a distant star that burned out long ago."





Anonymous ID: 16bc21 Aug. 16, 2018, 8:58 a.m. No.2627696   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Interesting that there was a custody battle over Gloria Vanderbilt and her mother lost custody for being 'unfit' but Gloria was heir to MILLIONS!




PRESENT: Law-abiding, tax paying, citizen parents are losing custody of their children in closed divorce cases without DUE PROCESS or PROSECUTION


These children of divorce being brainwashed by the cabal? Gloria Vanderbilt brainwashed?