Anonymous ID: 27b8f2 Aug. 16, 2018, 8:19 a.m. No.2627324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7360 >>7574

>>2626960 (pb)

>>2626989 (pb)

The red shoes is elitist. that's why they all wear them. Back in the day only the very rich could afford something so impractical.

It's flashy and shows off their status.

They put them on the children as dress-up. As a joke.

Check the movie with Bjork. "Drawing Restraint" Shows relation of Artifice, Fetishism, Sado-Maschochism. Yes, before the end where they slice each other's flesh, he dresses her up.

>>2626807 (pb)

Rockefeller hired Orson W. for the test run of Radio False Flag "War of the Worlds" It's was a Princeston Univ. study. Rockefeller rewarded him with budget and artistic liscense for "Citizen Kane" - which coming full circle around to the Roman Pool at "Hearst Castle" "San Simeon" was based upon the story of Randolph Hearst.[Last night were some posts on Hearst's "underground" pool and the likelihood his family is one of the elite "bloodline" families. Very involved with Media! Like Vanderbilt [Anderson Cooper]

It's a long haul to dig deep on "War of the Worlds" -

Here's a citation which will show the connection to Princton Univ. and that it was a social engineering experiment

Orson did the broadcast from RCA building. Which is Rockefeller RADIO. That was who funded the movie; we are told

If you want to dig deep into why people who study Kabalah believe it was Orson W. involved with that murder?

"the Killing Joke. Dahlia Noir"

It's very long and to catch it you might have to read the whole thing.

the argument is built very obliquely and you have to read through to the end to get the punch lines. Maybe you can skim? it's a deep dig.

Anonymous ID: 27b8f2 Aug. 16, 2018, 8:23 a.m. No.2627360   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The picture with the Red Dorothy Oz like red shoes if from the movie "Drawing Restraint" Bjork also gets into a Balloon hot air transport in the movie - to further the parallel.

Anonymous ID: 27b8f2 Aug. 16, 2018, 9:03 a.m. No.2627743   🗄️.is 🔗kun


RUS is the ancient kingdom

sometimes called "the Hoard"

The Issue with Russian History (History: Fiction or Science? Book 7) (English Edition)

"Russia at the crossroads of western and eastern ways. Again?


Russian history was rewritten completely to help Europe to free itself from the clutches of Empire Eurasia. Is Russian history a science at all? Well, one that taught in Russian schools was cooked up by learned German historians brought to Russia by Herr Romanov alias Peter the Great alias Peter the First. Herren Miller, Bayer und Schleizer did quite a job of distorting into oblivion all of pre-Romanovs history of XIV-XVII centuries!


As a reformer to the hilt, Peter the Great has literally ruined Russia, lost at least a quarter of its population, tried to break into Europe, moved the capital of Russia from Moscow to St Petersburg, made from Russia an awkward upstart and a laughing stock of Europe.


After spending 3 years in Holland and Germany Great First Peter ordered the nobility to cut beards, smoke tobacco, dance menuetto, and reformed the Orthodox church into total submission. He did not quite succeed in his brazen reforms, so he left a testament ordering the Russian Empire to conquer Europe again.


Antiquity and Dark Ages invented by Europe saved it from Empire Eurasia

The consensual world history was manufactured in Europe in XVI-XIX centuries with political agenda of powers of that period on the basis of erroneous clerical chronology elaborated by Jesuits Joseph Justus Scaliger and Dionysius Petavius.

⦁By the middle of XVI th century the prime political agenda of Europe that reached superiority in Sciences and Technologies, but was still inferior militarily to the Evil Empire of Eurasia, was to free Europe.

⦁ The concerted effort of European aristocracy, black and white Catholic clergy, Protestants, humanists and scientists in XV - XVII th centuries in creation and dissemination of fictional Ancient World served this agenda.

⦁The fictional Ancient World was created by representing events of XI-XVI centuries as ones that happened thousands of years before according to the ancient sources they wrote by authorities they invented.

⦁The European aristocracy, a considerable part of which were fugitives from Byzantine and/or the inheritors of Eurasian warlords, supported the myth of Ancient World to justify its claims to countries they ruled.

⦁The black and white Catholic clergy, Protestants developed and supported the myth of Ancient World to justify their claims of being more ancient and to separate themselves from Eurasian orthodoxy in the countries ruled by European aristocracy.

⦁The scientists supported the myth of Ancient World as safe cover for their heretic research that produced results contrarian to the tenets of Christianity. They justified their discoveries by authorities of ancient scientists they themselves invented and used as pseudonyms.

⦁The humanists developed and supported the myth of Ancient World as a cozy safe haven for their ideas that conflicted with Christianity and aristocracy. They disguised and justified their ideas on authorities of ancient authors of their own making and wrote under their glorious aliases.


Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. — George Orwell 1984


"..beware of mathematicians, especially when they speak the truth! " - Saint Augustin "


Why all the hatred directed toward "Russia" Guilty conscious?

Anonymous ID: 27b8f2 Aug. 16, 2018, 9:09 a.m. No.2627822   🗄️.is 🔗kun


NOPE. Not clean, as you can see with the image evidence. They need to cover up. I was never convinced by Hodel. The essay I posted goes into him too. Was likely part of the group.