Anonymous ID: 4de76b Aug. 16, 2018, 8:48 a.m. No.2627607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7614 >>7623

In this battle against the darkness, remember the power of Love.

Harry Potter survived what should have been a killing blow from a powerful dark magician, but he was saved by the protective power of his mother's love. Fiction but Truth.


For generations, these sick people have done everything they can to kill our love for each other. They have lied to us, they have fostered hatred, they have spread terror, all to keep us divided. They are terrified of how strong a united population is, in any country. We are their worst nightmare - people refusing to be divided, refusing to be silent, refusing to be asleep.


Love is rising again. There are so many people praying in a thousand different ways for Good to triumph over evil. I can feel them, and we are millions, watching and sending you love.


Anons, the world has your back. If you have moments when you feel low, when you doubt yourself, or feel hopeless, or find yourself being pulled into unproductive irritation or rage, call on us. We are here, loving you and supporting you, and you can draw on our strength. You are not alone, no matter how alone you feel in your life right now. They can't keep us apart anymore, and we are more powerful than we know.


Where we go one, we go all, frenz. Love you all.