Anonymous ID: 6b765f Aug. 16, 2018, 8:23 a.m. No.2627357   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7423



No not normal.


Not good, either.




This is good:


Real art. Catholic scene.


When Gloria Vanderbilt was a Catholic, she too looked normal:


Something happened in the 60s.


That "art" on the wall is in the spirit of Vatican II.


Annibale Bugnini would approve.


So would John 23


And 666


Paul VI


Quoting anon Ketamyne from GA:


This stela, dedicated by Gaius Julius Arish, son of Adon-Baal, comes from a religious precinct known as the tophet at Carthage. In this enclosure such grave markers were set up over burial urns containing the cremated bodies of babies, small children and animals, which had been placed in the protection of the goddess Tanit and her consort Baal Hammon. The Punic (Carthaginian) script is almost identical to that of Canaanite inscriptions from the Levant. Despite the classical influence seen in the caduceii (curled snakes), the symbolism is Canaanite, with two representations of the goddess Tanit. The upper one is composed of a sun disc, a crescent moon and triangle. Below is an anthropomorphized (human-shaped) version of the goddess.


Just like the New Mass, which is not a mass but an act of evil (looks SLIGHTLY like the old; the old claims to BE the sacrifice of Calvary, the new is a "memorium" ("RIP") of the sacrifice, ie SATANIC), this "art" is not anything Christian but is for worship of the serpent. Child sacrifice.


All roads lead to Rome.



Anonymous ID: 6b765f Aug. 16, 2018, 9:07 a.m. No.2627794   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Excellent point.


Interesting that I was thinking the EXACT thought before I came here to see your reply. Not a coincidence.


Not a coincidence either that the papal pretender is trying to outlaw capital punishment the world over.


No, it's time to get some good ropes out.


Trump Rope.


We need to start hanging witches again.