Anonymous ID: 87577e Aug. 16, 2018, 8:34 a.m. No.2627488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7514 >>7622

>>2625779 (pb) [reddit spacing removed]

>We covered this material months ago. I have thousands of documents archived.

>WHY are we going back into this?

>How many times do we need to plow the same row?

"Meditate and meditate again. The dense lead of my writing may perhaps contain the purest gold."


>>2627000 (checked)

Anywho, that GV "art" reminds me of different ancient mystery school temples.

Pics 1–3 pics of a taurobolium of the Mithras cult has a similar grate opening.

Pic 4 of the Eleusinian cult has a strikingly similar design.

Then consider these two cults combined with the Baal baby sacrifices.

>ritual sacrifices

>forced or self-castration

[[[These people]]] let's just called them "discordians" are LARPing as ancient mystery schools.

>The danger isn't that it's true: it's that [[[they]]] believe it to be true.