Anonymous ID: f315a4 Aug. 16, 2018, 8:26 a.m. No.2627397   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We are watching history unfold before our eyes and we have the answer key. This is absolutely amazing. The things we have and have yet to tie together are unimaginable.


This play is at the very center or it's duration. We have just seen the public being prepared for public disclosure of mass arrests. POTUS recent tweets about looking into crooked Hillary are the beginning of awakening.


The Mueller Probe is nearing it's end and it will be publicly stated, with shame, that nothing was found and POTUS is clean. At that point, credibility is in the bank and they go out and make reservations at Guantanamo. All with our shiny new HONEST judges. You know…like the guy, who is telling Mueller that his strong arm tactics are exposed.


The end of the play is just as glorious as the beginning was horrible enough to get an aging billionaire to grab his musket and get to work!