Anonymous ID: a935ae Oct. 29, 2018, 10:31 p.m. No.3661035   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>the red shoes allegedly stand for cannibalism… their red lips imply that they had to feast on one of their fellow victims

Wizard of Oz

Over the Rainbow: Ultraviolet (red & blue; blood in and out of the vein; consuming "red" makes violet; also 'blue blood' royalty)

Under the Rainbow: Red


Dorothy having the Ruby Shoes/red lips takes on a new level of meaning (the crushed Witch's shoes also red, I think)


Maze – Minotaur, Astarte/Ishtar dress motif very common in Minoan/Cretan art.



>Cronenberg wore 'Red Shoes'

Videodrome is mandatory viewing, dark web and all this tier shit & mind control before the internet was even born.



>Bitmore Estate, jurdjevic

See the Canadian pharma billionaires Arkancided this week, 'by a large team', Anthony Bourdain style (hanging; wrist/ankle restrainte evidence) – found "by their basement pool"



There is a near-eastern Hurrian/Hittite God, whose face is intestines and whose name means "murmuring, babbling, [whispering]" – consider the Eden Maze there as a portrait




>pool, archer

See the film Cure For Wellness – castle/subterranean fountain of youth occult/elite spa retreat. Great movie, ripe for comparison with these images



>left illustrat pair, rose overlaid

The Hand pouring water into the hat is positions like blood libel depictions of ritual sacrifice show (usually women; men bleed from groin) – The baby chick also is significant in the etymology/symbology of these near eastern concatenations (particularly, "dunghill cock") –so the chick is also interposed as shitting on/into the shoe/hat fromt he top of the star is significant



>Until 5 minutes ago I didn't realize purple could mean red…

Like wine (grape juice), carmine, claret



>red shields guard papal treasury

Anglican church schismatics as restructuring financially with Rome still in the driving seat behind the scenes would fit (not to mention the cryptos within the Norman invasion)




Window – anus

Anonymous ID: a935ae Oct. 29, 2018, 10:31 p.m. No.3661037   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>itzpapalotl, obsidian butterfly underworld

Mot, in old Hebrew/Canaanite mythology (Aria Hotel in Vegas; sphinx moth in that family)



>Also, the spiral symbol we associated with pedophiles is likely borne out of the moths proboscis mouth swirl shape. A bee, elephant, or fern also have this shape

>Aztec folks were into flayed off faces like frazzledrip rumors

There's the Hurrian god that wears intestines (could be representing flayed as well) on his face, dwells in shit, Habab – The Aztecs (an probably Mayans) had flutes/'duck calls' that simulated the cries of the tortured and dying for ritual and psychological warfare – hence the etymologyquoted below:




Digits require appropriate response, the term relates to indistinct babbling such as made by a group of mixed ethnicity and tongue as were the Habiru, nomadic groups of outcasts and bandits, also the name of the Devil.


>The etymology of the Ugaritic term hby is unknown. However, given the well-known correlation between geminate and final weak verbs in Semitic, it is possible to relate the term hby to the onomatopoeic root hbb "murmur, babble." The root appears in Akkadian as hbb where it is used in reference to the indistinct sounds of water, people, and animals.


>Though the root hbb is not attested in Ugaritic (with one possible exception), it does occur in an Aramaic letter from Hermopolis in reference to a river (i. e., a"babbling brook"), and possibly in Arabic.


>Thus, the comparative linguistic evidence demonstrates that the semantic range of hbb/hby suggests indistinct vocal or natural sounds.


>If this etymology is accepted, we may treat the term hby in the Ugaritic passage as an epithet meaning "the Babbler"




Yes it's more related to a constant murmuring because Semitic habibi relates to a gently murmuring beloved, it was also related in Akkadian to the buzzing of flies, it's considered Humbaba of the cedar forest was derived from hbb, there are recently discovered texts of the Gilgamish epic that relate his cult to the background noises of the forest, the constant murmurings and cacophony.




The Habiru were a mixed ethnic group over extensive regions outside of normative culture, the term Hebrew derives from such when their tribal confederation contained such Habiru, but that term derives from Hbb and the host of YHWH is understood as containing Hbb/Hebab/Haby also understood as the Devil, the tutelary Deity of Habiru as outside of normative society.



It's certainly complicated, Humbaba's face was composed of the intestines, he was related to the Demon Pazuzu of the four winds, he manifests in the Marzeah of El as he wallows in his own dung, which suggests Humbaba related to the horrors of waste and re-cycling, there may be a clue in the name.


>And it is Humbaba appears to the priest, will not the dread Pazuzu also be there? Lord of all fevers and plagues, grinning Dark Angel of the Four Wings, horned, with rotting genitalia, and it is the able magician indeed who can remove Pazuzu once he has laid hold of a man, for Pazuzu lays hold unto death.


>Know that Humbaba and Pazuzu are brothers. Humbaba is the eldest, who rides upon a silent, whispering wind and claims the flocks for his own, by which sign you shall know that Pazuzu will come.


He also was the guardian of seven auras bound within nature and that suggests some relationship to the highly influential Anatolian Heptad and perhaps also Aryan tradition.


>Humbaba awoke from within his lair. The commotion from all of the chopping and hacking had wakened him. Humbaba took his auras


>Gilgamesh immediately began to grow sluggish as though he were falling asleep. His friend and adviser Enkidu grew confused as though he had just been struck hard upon the head.


Given the association with internal affairs it is likely that these seven auras were the equivalent of the seven Indian chakras, Gilgamish strips Humbaba of them but then Enlil re-distributes them, the consideration may have arisen of what becomes of internal Divine auras when the body de-composes, their essential independence and potential for re-allocation.

Anonymous ID: a935ae Oct. 29, 2018, 10:58 p.m. No.3661227   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>black white heraldry zig zag

The floor of the Waiting Room/Red Room/Black Lodge in Twin Peaks, "The owls are not what they seem."



>annunaki pine cone

The djed pillar in Egyptian myths is thought to be constructed of parts of the bull, apis – that Annunaki pine cone looks a lot like the SRA survivor depictions of a standing victim flayed from the front so they have 'flying squirrel wings' – so an abstracted verson of that there, red dragons (pic related)



>st George's Cross in lap

Adopted after English Civil War (proto-Rothshield instigation)

Used in Barcelona's flag (Templar stronghold together with Venice after the Papal coup against them)

Used in Sardinia's Flag – an early conquest of 'lost tribes'/Hebrews – Tribe of Dan, the seafaring tribe, and putative progenitors of Britons' according to Anglo-Zionist revisionism (hence Balfour Declaration)

–Blue apron appears to be a dress in the center; also has implied halo from the light behind

–back right holding necklace (appears to be white pearls, and black pearl pendant)

–Two with glove tops rolled down very santa clausy