Anonymous ID: e3b847 Oct. 30, 2018, 3:27 a.m. No.3662243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2741

So, not sure how many realize this but most of the symbols pertain to the cosmos… You can learn a lot from symbols… They tell stories of our past!! Understanding the symbols can actually help one gain enlightenment about quite a bit… If you have been following along with the characters, Then you probably know that Saturn and satan are one in the same…You will find many references to Saturn and the Black Cube all throughout corporate logos, pop culture, institutions, etc.. It's EVERYWHERE!! Even Santa Claus is a reference to Saturn…


What connection isn't always made is how and why that reference to the north pole is EXTREMELY relevant in the equation… Because we have been "indoctrinated" into the cult of Saturn :( Yeah, unfortunately anyone who grew up learning from our [current] educational systems, or as a member of any religious institution has been deceived..): we don't have an accurate understanding of the physical Universe that surrounds us… Anyway, the polar alignment with Saturn was a cosmic event that our ancestors witnessed in the past.. Imagine if you can, Saturn (: which at the time was our sun!!) being located at a fixed position in the sky (: at the north pole ;) with planets in alignment via the electromagnetic force (: which is WAAAAAAY stronger than gravity.. F'realz!! We'll talk about that twisting current in a sec ;)… In between Earth and Saturn sat Mars, as the story is told (:and we may have also witnessed the birth of Venus during this cosmic 'sky event' :) and in the sky from anywhere in the northern hemisphere, one would have seen a rather large "eye" watching over us.. This would later lead to other images which appeared in this formation like the Maltese Cross and the 8 pointed "wheel in the sky" (:keeps on turning!!).. You can learn about more about these symbols in David Talbott's 'Symbols of an Alien Sky' series, presented by the Thunderbolts Project (: they do a great job explaining the science behind the Electric Universe Theories, too!!), which is an expansion off Immanuel Velikovsky's earlier work :(which was attacked by the mainstream.., just like we are now.. ):


Anyway, this stuff is also important if you want to know what happened when you read the Bible!! It gives you an idea about what was going on wit hall those catastrophes and why people started sacrificing children and what not… This is where the symbol of the bull came from as well, which gives satan his horns and much more.. Think about it like this… One day you have this big eye looking over you and things are all good, then all of a sudden it starts changing, and acting up, then it grows horns and starts reeking havoc and chaos.. My guess is this is what ultimately led to the human sacrifices and, yes, cannibalism, too..


Another symbol (: or rather an archetype ;) is the serpent.. Often it is depicted as 2 snakes in a spiral pattern, reminiscent of the double helix shape of our DNA.. This is NOT A COINCIDENCE!! This is what is called a Birkeland Current.. It is a natural formation and signature of the Electromagnetic Force (:Space Force!!) that powers all life on Earth, as well as the celestial bodies in the heavens!! I could show you a number of places on the globe where I see evidence of the Electromagnetic Force LITERALLY shaping the Earth.. There is truth behind the creation 'myths'.., we are just coming into the discussion with too many preconceptions to properly understand the modern translations.., not to mention Certain Institutional Authorities having an influence in how we 'learn' things… Anyway, there are a number of experiments that people have conducted, independently, that attempt to give an idea of some of the things that we are trying to identify in our 'waking up' process… This one is more for understanding than for exposing ;)


Last, I do want to touch on one other celestial object, Sirius!! This star is not that far at about 8.6 light years away.. Legend has it that it once was located in the position where our sun currently resides.. I take it they meant that Sirius was our sun at the time!! It may sound outrageous, but it does make a bit of sense on more than one level… The way the symbols read is that the eye of Saturn is blocking the light from Sirius.. There are a number of anons who will reject my hypothesis about this, so I won't get into that, but let's just say it may or may not have something to do with the changing of the [OLD GUARD].. Anyway, hope this sheds some light even though there is much more to explain.. I'll be around..

Anonymous ID: e3b847 Oct. 30, 2018, 11:01 p.m. No.3672741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3637 >>5925


Alright… I can't help but add some more on to this thought… Originally, I was going to get into my theories about the 'Black Eye' thing, but it's not exactly an easy subject to talk about… Since I already got the polar configuration up, I figure I will go a little deeper explaining that… There's something known as the "purple dawn"… This part of the tale may actually shed some light behind the symbol of the Egg!!


I know for some this polar alignment concept will seem far fetched… However, when you start researching and adding up all the coincidences.., you will be quite surprised how much this stuff actually MAKES SENSE!! Granted many are still formulating and reshaping their theories as new information comes forward, but quite often new findings will further support these outrageous claims!! For instance, the story about the Flare star, which may have caused some of the images in the sky, which led to the symbols, myths, and archetypes appears to get a boost from some recent observations of a red dwarf star…


One of the things that caught my attention was the part where the scientist start to talk about what would happen to a planet in a situation like this.. Would life be able to survive "high-energy radiation" blasts?? Funny that they mentioned such a scenario, because there was a time in our past that continues to stump the evolutionists… It's called the Cambrian Explosion and happens to pair nicely in such a cosmic scenario like a flare star…


Anyway, this gets into a bit of a deeper philosophical discussion about "God"… Most of us have faulty preconceptions about what that word means… Honestly, I don't have the space to get into that topic on this post… If you are unsure of the relevance, just, "Read the Bible" and pretty much right away you bump into some stories that make you say, "What the KEK?!"… I'm trying to explain some of the processes of creation at the same time I'm trying to understand this stuff for myself… I've been down this rabbit hole for a few years now… The World is fascinating from this view!!, but it also has a scary side to it as well. . .


Once you see the "marks of creation" that were left upon the Earth, you will understand just how powerful a Force we are talking about. . . You don't un-see this, you only find more. . . This gets into my theory about the black eye, but I'll save that for later ;)

Anonymous ID: e3b847 Oct. 31, 2018, 2:55 a.m. No.3673637   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Since it is Halloween, I guess I should tell a scary story :) The Mark of Ra…


So, one of the mysteries I once tried to answer was the cause of the GIANT Canyon on Mars… Conventional "scientists" will tell you that water is the cause of such features here on Earth, and thus the likely cause of such canyons on Mars… Look into it further and you will see that someone is making shit up as they go… No way that canyon on Mars was formed by water alone… Think about the shape and consider how the water would have to flow to create said canyon… Doesn't seem to make sense… One of the theories I came across was that the canyon was created by an electricity, like a GIANT bolt of lightning… My first thought was those tales about Zeus and those thunderbolts, and I thought to myself, "Could the legends REALLY be true??" Now, at the time I was still flirting with the concept that aliens were mistaken for "gods" and I had to think about what kind of power it would take to create such a scar… I began to consider other options… Ultimately, this was one of the things that sold me on the Electric Universe Theory ;)


Once upon a time, a man named Immanuel Velikovsky wrote a book that caused an outrage within the scientific community… The reaction he got was very similar to how we have been treated by the mainstream sources, as "Conspiracy Theorists"… He made some rather outrageous claims, some of which would later be proven by others' scientific research, but more importantly he was asking the right questions… Before I ever stumbled upon the Electric Universe Theory :( also ignored, attacked & ridiculed by mainstream authorities… Notice the pattern?? Read between the lines!! ;) , I had been meditating on the term, 'Celestial Mechanics' wondering how it all works… Insert that Electromagnetic Force and the physics start to make much more sense once again!! (: Now.., Imagine a planetary-sized static discharge :)


At this point you're probably saying, "What does this have to do with symbols??" Well, I think this has to do with the "Eye of Ra"… The polar configuration is only one aspect of the "Eye"… The mark that was left on the Earth is a reminder.., that one day "God" will return… I believe this also has something to do with the black eye given to the elites.., "Play ball or else you won't get a seat in the bunker when…" sort of thing… Now, at first this "Eye" may seem like a small mark and you may think, "No big deal".., but then you zoom out a bit.., and you will see that the scar actually extends well on into China, and even carried the charge across the conductive salt water of the Atlantic and FORMED the Amazon River… Yeah… This one truly reshaped the Earth!! It's rather fascinating, however frightening it may be…You can actually see a mark reminiscent of the trident that may have birthed the legends about Poseidon, too!! I would have to do a separate post if I wanted to explain the shape of that one… but it's a natural formation caused within magnetic fields, and there are several instances that I could point out on the globe that would otherwise seem anomalous, UNLESS you have a tremendous amount of electricity pumping through the ground during the time of there formation, sooooo… Yeeeeeaaaaah…


Do you really think you can handle the truth??

Anonymous ID: e3b847 Nov. 1, 2018, 3:49 a.m. No.3684817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2408 >>2703 >>2947


I have an interesting theory about the meaning of the G… I'm no expert on Masons, but I have studied the symbols and I wouldn't doubt if the knew some of the stuff I talked about… Technically, they don't hide things as much as the Saturnists do, but I think they were infiltrated at some point by said cult, and like Q said.., not all are bad apples ; ) One of the meanings behind the "Big G" is said to be the Grand Architect, or something like that, which could also be taken as "God, the Divine Creator"… I've showed a little bit about the "Creative Force" here.. Part of me could see why stuff like this gets hidden away.. Truth would probably put 90% in the hospital.., or something like that… buuuuut that same Q also said, "Truth belongs with the People"!!, So :) Pick a Hand (:


Now, my OTHER theory about what "the Big G" may possibly mean has to do more about physics!! The "Big G" happens to be a "constant" in the realm of physics… It's NOT a strong force, unfortunately… However, the scientists will assure you that THIS is the force behind how things are formed in the Universe… When you start to analyze the situation, you begin to feel like an idiot for ever thinking such an outrageous idea was ever possible… Then again, you also instantly become smarter than all these people like Einstein and Neil de grasse Tyson!!


Did you catch the part in the highlighted section where they admit that the Electromagnetic Force is MUCH stronger than Gravity?? Think about how many confusing ideas came out of whoever decided to make [G]ravity the force responsible for shaping the Universe… All the time, money and effort wasted chasing "Dark Matter" & "Dark Energy" and all these INSANE ideas that give THEORETICAL "physicists' jobs while they brainwash us into thinking that were are too dumb to understand WHY gravity does what it did, and blah blah blah… Anyway, my point is SOMETHING is up with gravity and it's NOT because the Earth is flat, or any other propaganda that is trying to stupify us into not being able to comprehend REALITY and allowing us to mindless wander through alternate dimensions where Neil somehow gets to have a paycheck for being a moron… Anyway, before I move on I would like to mention that gravity is not even a constant and it varies in so many different places HERE on EARTH, calling such is sacrilege… Anyway, this image of Australia will show you hints about that creative force in action… I see the patterns left on Earth, and Space isn't the only field that needs a make over ;) When you see just how much energy was surging through the Earth, you will be humbled… I'm pretty sure the blast that scarred Australia also happened to reshape the western coast of the Americas…


Now.., on to the FUN part :) More symbols!! Anyone wanna know what year "Gravity" was brought into the story books?? Oh, yeah… some just so happened to land on the worst set of trips possible :( my.., what are the odds of that??) I will say that I don't think Newton was evil… He made an observation, however he never explained what actually CAUSED gravity… Later people ran wild with the idea that an "Apple falling from a tree" somehow explains how the universe was created… I'll just leave it at that for now…

Anonymous ID: e3b847 Nov. 4, 2018, 1:33 a.m. No.3724544   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'll try to get further into the theory here… I've been looking into this stuff pretty heavy for the last few years.., and not gonna lie, pretty sure the details are still being worked out by many.. I really don't like to get attached to anyone's personal theories in particular, but my curiosity started way back when I first came across Velikovsky's work… He liked to ask questions… He made a number of rather bold claims, and turns out we are still proving him right to this day!! Comet Venus?? In 1950 it was laughed at… but ;)


After seeing enough megalithic ruins, I'm pretty sure there is more than enough evidence to support 1) humans had been around for quite some time as an advanced civilization.. 2) We were likely larger due to a different environment (This would probably be due to a different current running in at the poles)… & 3) There were a number of cataclysmic events that happened in the past due to an ]ACTIVE[ Solar System… Something tells me that our current situation would be known as 'Sabbath', the 'Day of Rest'…




Excellent thoughts, anon!! Love the compilation of G's!! I like to think of it representing the Grand Architect, which does hold value alongside many of the other G's you listed ;) I have hundreds of satellite images that show just what I mean by Grand Architect!! HUGE amount of current flowing through the Earth, creating amazing patterns in the mountains, valleys, rivers, etc… It's beautiful!!, but it also has some rather scary implications… Things like this, I could see why someone would say, "We can't handle the truth…"… but at the same time, it's also one of the first times we can actually SEE these things for ourselves, and imagine what it would have been like to be around when. . .




Even Darwin didn't believe his own theory was true… We observe adaptation not evolution… Our DNA has the ability to change what we are, even within one's lifetime… Look up epigenetics ;) That "junk DNA" is there for a reason!! Some things we can observe and verify, however, there are certain things we cannot prove because we weren't there to witness the events that took place… Big Bang Theory can never be proven, scientifically, but it has been "the official story" much like religions use that "In the Beginning…"… It's in our nature to be curious, and when someone claims to have that kind of SUPREME Knowledge, we have the tendency to flock, then hide behind them…


The Electric Universe Theory really pairs nicely with this Saturn theory, although it is a bit more difficult to prove that Saturn was once our sun.., but there sure are an awful lot of 'coincidences'… After finding out about EU and/or Plasma Universe Theories.., A LOT makes MUCH more sense… This gets into Q's post about clowns operating in the sciences, universities, religions, etc… We need a major revolution of the way we think… I get the feeling that this may take awhile, and some may be lost forever… Either way, I don't know how anyone could deny if they seen the scars…


Here something I just happened to come across in regards to the "feathered serpent", since this board is about symbols ;) This is just an ordinary plasma tube experiment… but imagine how this would look if there was a larger version of something like this in the sky….


I know this seems like a stretch… Since this is a plasma tube, I was wondering how something like this would even be possible in our atmosphere?? So, I had to look into it… RIGHT AWAY there's that "No Sh*t!!" moment staring right back at me… :)


I'll have to do another post to show some of these types of plasma had shaped the Earth ;)

Space Force!!