LOL. Xbox accounts.
How much longer before you idiots realize Q is mocking you?
LOL. Xbox accounts.
How much longer before you idiots realize Q is mocking you?
muh xbox!!!!!!!!
Q is laughing at you. Because you're more gullible than they ever imagined.
How mentally impaired do you have to be to believe this???
Trust me, you're the comedy here.
muh xbox! it's just like q said! my vidya is gone!!!!!!!
I knew you all were morons, but I had no idea just how stupid you all are. Q is showing me that, at least.
I don't even know where to start with people so stupid they think an xbox outage is a proof of conspiracy.
Sure thing brah
That's one of my favorite Q angles to tell the truth. I can see how the clueless fall for it.
muh xbox crashed a plane into my underwater pizzagate tunnel!!!!!!!!