Anonymous ID: 2663d2 Aug. 16, 2018, 10:12 a.m. No.2628945   🗄️.is 🔗kun


watch the water.

what is the only astrology sign with a Q?

who was the constellation aquarius said to represent? why is the eagle a symbol of zeus? why do the romans, the nazis, the masons, and lord of the rings use the eagle symbolically? what did elijah wood say about hollywood? why are hobbits 'little people'? how did zeus trick chronos? what is a cupbearer really? what did kay griggs say about eagles and military initiations?

"The word catamite, a boy used in pederasty, is from Latin Catamitus, from Etruscan Catamite, and is a corrupt collateral form of Ganymedes, Greek Ganumedes."

"In Greek mythology Aquarius is represented by Ganymedes (Ganymede), the beautiful Phrygian boy who was carried off by an eagle to Mount Olympus to become the cup-bearer of Zeus (Roman Jupiter, or Jove). Ganymedes was kidnapped from Mount Ida in Phrygia while tending a flock of sheep. Zeus saw him and fell in love with him, either sending an Eagle (Aquila) or assuming his own eagle nature to transport Ganymede to Mount Olympus [1]. In compensation, Zeus gave some fine horses to Ganymedes' father, King Laomedon of Troy. As the cup-bearer of the gods Ganymedes was shown pouring nectar from a jug. In Roman times Ganymedes was an appellation sometimes given to handsome slaves who officiated as cupbearers [2]. "


this is bigger than anons think.