Anonymous ID: 82e806 Aug. 16, 2018, 10:29 a.m. No.2629261   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Codefag anon,


Had a thought today..


Where and why do people not believe easily. These things are so outlandish and outrageous it doesn’t seem real.


However, everyday we now see 24/7 the battle that rages, the connection between events and drops, news etc…


Someone make a similar Q drops, but put each “proof” connection by day, or even just moving forward, don’t even need to do it back. That’s all out there.


All people need to do is see the daily connection in short to start making the connections and seeing patterns/action&reaction.


So today for example. A simple proof with the Q drop with then X box live going out right after…


It just has to show the association we can all see daily now for people to start asking more question.


The big proofs are good, but even showing trumps association to drops daily is getting the mind watching for those patterns.


That’s all I got for today