Anonymous ID: b401f2 Aug. 16, 2018, 10:15 a.m. No.2629004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9073 >>9176

>>2628361 (lb)




It's a shill tactic. One of many :)




Oh, you cunts are pulling the saem fucking thing as you did on 4chan. It's not going to work, here. We had this discussion yesterday.


  1. DoD knows who is capable and not capable of running the infrastructure to support operations.

  2. Contracting works this way. Sometimes there are bids, sometimes, there are NOT bids.

  3. How much longer do you think Bezos is going to OWN AMAZON? (think anti-trust).


Go away with this concernshill shit.




You might have anons confused over ES. We know you've used it to mean Eric Schmidt. Recently, you used it to mean Edward Snowden. Shills are using it muddy things up.


Can you clarify or come up with a new "ES" just for Edward or Eric?

