Anonymous ID: c2d78a Aug. 16, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.2629158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9201


Edward Snowden New Leaks Reveal NSA Infiltrated Xbox Live, 'World Of Warcraft' To Snuff Out Out Terrorists

Anonymous ID: c2d78a Aug. 16, 2018, 10:27 a.m. No.2629215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9272

Edward Snowden New Leaks Reveal NSA Infiltrated Xbox Live, 'World Of Warcraft' To Snuff Out Out Terrorists







By William Cannon | Dec 09 2013, 01:54PM EST


In new documents revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden, it has been revealed that the NSA can spy on gamers through Xbox One and popular MMO's. The document reveal U.S. and UK spies have the ability to eavesdrop on conversations in Xbox Live, and have even placed agents in games including "World of Warcraft" and "Second Life." The information reveals that since 2008 spies in both the US and UK have been keeping a close eye on online gaming communications according to The Guardian.

A September 2008 memo from the NSA's UK sister agency GCHQ revealed that the organization had "successfully been able to get the discussions between different game players on Xbox Live," while agents were put in both "World of Warcraft" and "Second Life" in a bid to monitor users' "buddylists and interaction." These actions were taken in order to weed out militants that may use the games to communicate, move money, or plot attacks under fake identifies. While it is unknown if this method actually stopped any terrorist activities an analyst

While Microsoft has declined to comment on the situation. Interestingly enough Blizzard denies any knowledge of such activities in any of their games. "We are unaware of any surveillance taking place," said a spokesman for Blizzard Entertainment. "If it was, it would have been done without our knowledge or permission." Meanwhile GCHQ didn't confirm or deny the report, only adding the actions were carried out in an legal and authorized way.

A spokesperson for GCHQ said, "In accordance with a strict legal and policy framework which ensures that its activities are authorised, necessary and proportionate, and there is rigorous oversight, including from the secretary of state, the interception and intelligence services commissioners and the Intelligence and Security Committee."