Anonymous ID: f66e58 Aug. 16, 2018, 10:08 a.m. No.2628850   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2627763 (pb)

Just remember Star Wars. When you give 'em some mercy. They come back for moar.

"Forgive a thief and he'll stab you in the back"

>>2627767 (pb)

>>2627813 (pb)

Now that you mention it. Yes.

color of "blood" is all wrong too. FWIW

CNN at it again.

Staged. Pathetic.

>>2627863 (pb)

Shut the fuck up Ur a retard.

It was done with an industrial Saw

I guess you think the plane wing-tips cut through steel and concrete too, without breaking?

Ur a fucking idiot.

He did it with a knife. He's very strong. He's a SURGEON! my god!

You believe anything, don't you?

Have you ever used a saw before?

And he brought the corpse there in a wheelbarrow himself. No Blood hemorrhage on the ground. No guts fell out. Clean.

But he's a Magic surgeon. Put him on the list with the

  1. Magic Bullet that killed Kennedy

  2. Magic Planes that flew through walls like a hot knife through butter.

  3. Magic doorknobs that caused a rash of suicides

Did you watch too many cartoons. or are you just Thick as Brick?.

"Wise men don't know how it feels to be Thick as a Brick"

Anonymous ID: f66e58 Aug. 16, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.2629185   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"They are known for purchasing "awkward" works, such as video installations, that many other private collectors will not consider.

"It's easy to store them, but difficult to display them," says Podesta.

To get round the problem, he and his wife have excavated a huge subterranean vault beneath their house"