Anonymous ID: 09d9ab Aug. 16, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.2629427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9744





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Anonymous ID: 09d9ab Aug. 16, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.2629463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9481 >>9482

FLASHBACK: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Attends Ferguson Anti-Cop Black Lives Matter Protests for Several Days


On Wednesday Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey defended the company’s decision to put Infowars founder Alex Jones in a seven-day “timeout”. Dorsey said, “I feel any suspension, whether it be a permanent or a temporary one, makes someone think about their actions and their behaviors,” Dorsey said.

Anonymous ID: 09d9ab Aug. 16, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.2629501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0036

Bomb Detonates At Italian Headquarters Of Salvini's League Party


A bomb claimed by an anarchist group detonated on Thursday in front of the provincial Italian headquarters of Interior Minister Matteo Salvini's League party, according to Corriere Del Veneto, citing local police in the northeastern town of Villorba.


Police reportedly intercepted an internet communication recently which discussed bombing the League's headquarters, according to Corriere Del Veneto.


The League party is part of the new Italian coalition government headed by Giuseppe Conte, while the head of the League is Italy's new Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, who assumed office on June 1 and immediately began blocking human trafficking efforts by NGO ships ferrying Libyian refugees across the Mediterranean.


Salvini wrote in a Tweet "They try to stop us, but violent and delinquents do not scare us. Let's go forward, stronger than before."

Anonymous ID: 09d9ab Aug. 16, 2018, 10:46 a.m. No.2629521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9585

Huddersfield child sex inquiry: Thirty-one people charged



Thirty men and one woman have been charged with offences linked to child sexual exploitation in Huddersfield.


The offences relate to five women when they were aged between 12 and 18, and are alleged to have taken place between 2005 and 2012.


Charges those accused face include rape, trafficking and sexual assault.


Twelve men, who cannot be named for legal reasons, have been charged with "numerous offences in connection with the same investigation", police said.


Yorkshire breaking news: Station protests over rail fare increase; York boss is 'highest paid executive'


The accused are due at Kirklees Magistrates' Court on 5 and 6 September.


West Yorkshire Police said the accused who can be named are:


Banaras Hussain 37, of Shipley, charged with one count of rape of a female over 16

Banaris Hussain, 35, of Huddersfield, charged with one count of rape of a girl aged 13-15

Mohammed Suhail Arif, 30, of Huddersfield, charged with rape of girl aged 13-15

Iftikar Ali, 37, of Huddersfield, charged with attempted rape of girl aged 13-15 and three counts of rape of a girl aged 13-15

Mohammed Sajjad, 31, of Huddersfield, charged with four counts of rape of a female age 13-15, one rape of a girl under 13 and facilitating the commission of a child sex offence

Fehreen Rafiq, 38, of Huddersfield, charged with two counts of facilitating the commission of a child sex offence

Umar Zaman, 30, of Huddersfield, charged with two counts of rape of a female aged 13-15

Basharat Hussain, 31, of Huddersfield, charged with two counts of rape of a female aged 13-15

Amin Ali Choli, 36, of Huddersfield, charged with two counts of rape of a female over 16-years-old

Shaqeel Hussain, 35, of Dewsbury, charged with rape of a female aged 13-15 and two counts of trafficking

Mubasher Hussain, 35, of Huddersfield, charged with rape of a female aged 13-15 and sexual assault

Abdul Majid, 34, of Huddersfield, charged with two counts of rape of female aged 13-15

Mohammed Dogar, 35, of Huddersfield, charged with two counts of facilitating the commission of child sex offence

Usman Ali, 32, of Huddersfield, charged with two counts of rape of a female aged 13-15

Mohammed Waqas Anwar, 29, of Huddersfield, charged with five counts of rape of a female aged 13-15

Gul Riaz, 42, of Huddersfield, charged with rape of a female aged 13-15

Mohammed Akram, 41, of Huddersfield, charged with two counts of trafficking with a view to sexual exploitation of a female and rape of a female aged 14-15

Manzoor Akhtar, 29, of Huddersfield, charged with trafficking and three counts of rape of a female aged 13-15

Samuel Fikru, 30, of Camden, charged with two counts of rape of a female aged 13-15

Anonymous ID: 09d9ab Aug. 16, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.2629600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9635 >>9729

Al Qaeda returns? UN panel warns of new bin Laden threat


As the Islamic State is driven out of its former strongholds, a U.N. panel is warning that the next big terror threat in the region could come, once again, from Al Qaeda – led by the son of Usama bin Laden.


The report by U.N. experts, delivered to the Security Council and released this week, included startling findings about both terror networks. The report found that while ISIS had been defeated militarily in Iraq and most of Syria, it had rallied in early 2018 and still had approximately 20,000-30,000 members in the two countries.


The U.S.-led coalition in the region racked up numerous military wins against the group in 2017 and helped reduce its territory to mere pockets of Syria. At the State of the Union address this year, President Trump declared victory: “I’m proud to report that the coalition to defeat ISIS has liberated very close to 100 percent of the territory just recently held by these killers in Iraq and in Syria.”


The U.N. report found ISIS, though, is in the process of moving from “a proto-State network to a covert network” that continues to threaten other countries, and its leadership is still in tact, under Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.


Yet the report also raised significant concerns about Al Qaeda, which fell into the background amid the international attention on ISIS and its brutal tactics, particularly after the death of Usama bin Laden in 2011.


The report found that Al Qaeda is still a global network showing resilience, and it is stronger than ISIS in places like Somalia, Yemen and South Asia – and its leadership in Iran has grown more prominent.


Hamza bin Laden has married daughter of lead 9/11 hijacker, say family


Exclusive: union confirmed by Osama bin Laden’s family during interview with the Guardian


==Twenty-second report of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team

concerning ISIL (Da’esh), Al-Qaida and associated individuals and entities==

Anonymous ID: 09d9ab Aug. 16, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.2629630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9674 >>9682

Weed-Killing Carcinogen Glyphosate Found In Children's Foods


The known carcinogen and infamous weed killing chemical glyphosate has just been found in breakfast foods marketed for children. A new study has discovered trace amounts of the most widely used herbicide in the country in oats, granolas, and snack bars.

Anonymous ID: 09d9ab Aug. 16, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.2629676   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tit for tat


Trump-supporting Pentagon analyst stripped of security clearance by Obama-appointed officials after Stefan Halper complaints

Anonymous ID: 09d9ab Aug. 16, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.2629700   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Yazidi slave girl flees Germany after being confronted by her ISIS captor-turned refugee

Anonymous ID: 09d9ab Aug. 16, 2018, 11:01 a.m. No.2629737   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Woman Sexually Assaults 5-Year-Old Boy; Uploads Recording


Police confirmed that a Pennsylvania woman did the most horrific thing: sexually assaulting a 5-year-old boy and then posting her horrendous act on social media.


The pedophile woman has been identified as 24-year-old Corby Jo Kinzey. She was arraigned on Wednesday on several felony counts including charges of rape, rape of a child, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, sexual assault, endangering the welfare of minors, filming a sex act with a child, corruption of minors, possession of child pornography, and criminal use of a communication facility.


Court documents say Kinzey claims that a “masked man with a gun” forced her to perform a sex act on the child and even recorded the video on her mobile phone then shared it to her acquaintances on social media.


Detective John Swank did not fall for Kinzey’s alibi as he wrote on the criminal complaint against her: “Kinzey said that she had deleted the video. I then told Kinzey that her story was not plausible and she began crying.”


The detective further noted that Kinzey then retracted her earlier claims and finally admitted that there was no masked man involved. It was all on her.


Court documents also reveal that the police received a report Tuesday evening from the mother of a former boyfriend of Kinzey’s that her son’s new girlfriend had received a video on social media of Kinzey having sex with a child. The woman personally provided a copy of the video to the police, out of concern for the welfare of the child.


Kinzey’s request for bail was justly denied. She was instead taken to a prison to await a preliminary hearing that is set for August 23 in Greensburg, Westmoreland County, nearly 30 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.


Swank also said that The Westmoreland County Children’s Bureau was involved in the investigation. The child-victim has been placed in the custody of a relative and will remain there throughout the investigation.


It is not clear how Kinzey is connected to the child, or how she gained access to him - if he’s a relative or a child of a friend or someone she knows, or a random stranger she victimized.



Anonymous ID: 09d9ab Aug. 16, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.2629773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9785 >>9970

Connecticut first responders scrambled to treat at least 75 overdoses of K2 during a 24-hour period


First responders scrambled all day Wednesday to handle nearly 80 overdoses caused by what officials believe to be synthetic marijuana, which is commonly called K2.


At least 76 overdoses occurred in New Haven, Connecticut, over a 24-hour period, WVIT-TV reported. After dozens of overdoses occurred, first responders set up a command post at the historic New Haven Green park in downtown. Some patients were treated multiple times, officials said.


“It’s been a hectic day,” Tim Craven, AMR New Haven operations manager, said Wednesday. “We’ve had ambulances on standby just constantly changing the cars out. As they’ve been transporting patients to the hospital, we replace them with another vehicle.”


Emergency responders treated most of the victims with naloxone, which reverses the effects of the drug. No deaths have been reported.

Anonymous ID: 09d9ab Aug. 16, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.2629803   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report Finds 100 Priests in One City Ran Horrific Pedophile Ring, As Gov’t Looked the Other Way


Nearly 100 Catholic priests have been accused of hosting a pedophile ring in which they created child pornography and helped each other prey on children.

Anonymous ID: 09d9ab Aug. 16, 2018, 11:07 a.m. No.2629838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9919 >>9932 >>0036

John Brennan: Trump Took My Security Clearance to Cover Up His Russia Collusion


Former Central Intelligence Agency director John Brennan published an op-ed in the New York Times on Thursday arguing that President Donald Trump had stripped his security clearance on Wednesday to cover up his campaign’s collusion with Russia in 2016.


“Mr. Trump clearly has become more desperate to protect himself and those close to him, which is why he made the politically motivated decision to revoke my security clearance in an attempt to scare into silence others who might dare to challenge him,” Brennan writes.


In the course of making his argument, Brennan confirms what he had first suggested in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee last year — namely, that he had launched government-wide efforts to detect Russian collusion with Trump after a July 2016 press conference in which Trump joked about the Russians finding over 30,000 emails missing from Hillary Clinton’s server.


Brennan recalls in his op-ed that he was already primed to suspect Russian interference when Trump held his press conference:


The already challenging work of the American intelligence and law enforcement communities was made more difficult in late July 2016, however, when Mr. Trump, then a presidential candidate, publicly called upon Russia to find the missing emails of Mrs. Clinton. By issuing such a statement, Mr. Trump was not only encouraging a foreign nation to collect intelligence against a United States citizen, but also openly authorizing his followers to work with our primary global adversary against his political opponent.


But Trump had not simply “called upon” Russia to find the emails. He had cracked a joke after persistent questions from the media about Wikileaks’ publication of the Democratic National Committee’s emails days before. The transcript reveals (emphasis added):


It’s just a total deflection, this whole thing with Russia … By the way, they hacked — they probably have her 33,000 e-mails. I hope they do. They probably have her 33,000 e-mails that she lost and deleted because you’d see some beauties there. So let’s see….


[I]f it is Russia, nobody even knows this, it’s probably China, or it could be somebody sitting in his bed. But it shows how weak we are, it shows how disrespected we are … So I know nothing about it. It’s one of the most farfetched I’ve ever heard.



I have nothing to do with Putin. I’ve never spoken to him. I don’t know anything about him other than he will respect me. He doesn’t respect our president. And if it is Russia — which it’s probably not, nobody knows who it is — but if it is Russia, it’s really bad for a different reason, because it shows how little respect they have for our country, when they would hack into a major party and get everything. But it would be interesting to see — I will tell you this — Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens. That’ll be next. Yes, sir…


The media, following the lead of Clinton and the Democrats, suspected Russia, and suggested that Trump had been colluding with Russia.


Brennan, who had already suspected the Russians would interfere to help Trump, took the media’s interpretation of events seriously, and also appears to have taken cues from Democrats who, in campaign mode, called Trump’s remarks “treason.” Brennan has used that term since then, to describe Trump’s recent press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.


In his op-ed, Brennan cites no evidence of Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia other than press coverage of ” highly suspicious dalliances of some American citizens with people affiliated with the Russian intelligence services.”


He concludes: “Now more than ever, it is critically important that the special counsel, Robert Mueller, and his team of investigators be allowed to complete their work without interference — from Mr. Trump or anyone else — so that all Americans can get the answers they so rightly deserve.”

Anonymous ID: 09d9ab Aug. 16, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.2629856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9882 >>9938

Nolte: Vatican ‘No Comment’ About Hundreds of Predator Priests Abusing 1,000 Children


The Vatican had “no comment” when asked about hundreds of Pennsylvania priests sexually abusing a thousand children.


Where is Pope Francis?


Where is the moral leader of the Catholic Church?


Where is the compassionate, accessible Wheelchair Pope, the Energizer Bunny Pope, the Cynicism-Busting Pope who has always been so eager to comment on every hot button issue, from Global Warming to immigration to homosexuality?


I know where Francis is not. He is not where he should be, in Pennsylvania overseeing a revolutionary and historic house cleaning of a satanic cancer that infects his Church, a 70-year-old cancer of priests and bishops and cardinals who are guilty of either engaging in an organized cabal to rape little boys and girls, or in covering up those unspeakable crimes.


Worse still, not only is Francis not in Pennsylvania personally disinfecting his Church, all we are hearing from the Vatican, the same Vatican that knew well in advance this utterly damning grand jury report was coming out, is “no comment.”


What we have here is a painfully detailed report using on the record testimony and — my God — the Church’s own secret archives, to lay out a painfully detailed case against hundreds of priests who abused and raped some 1,000 children over 70 years — a highly organized pedophile ring allowed to operate for seven decades.


Moreover, the cover up, the enabling of these child rapists goes all the way to the Vatican itself.


What the Vatican is dealing with here goes beyond even the original child abuse scandal that threatened to swamp the Church some 15 years ago. While the first scandal was its own kind of horror show, we were assured this was behind us, the truth had been fully revealed, the wrongdoers punished, the victims made as whole as possible, the page turned.


Now we are learning this is not even close to the truth, that in just one of our 50 states, the cover up and lies marched on to protect an unspeakable evil.


And where is Francis?


Why isn’t he in Pennsylvania personally thanking this grand jury, personally thanking Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, and calling on the attorney generals in all 50 states to launch similar investigations with the Pope’s personal assurance they will have the full cooperation of the Church?


You want to know what should chill every Catholic to the marrow? If this is happening here in America, a country with a legitimate criminal justice system and free press, what horrors are being unleashed in third world countries? In corrupt countries?


As a conservative Catholic (I joined the Church in 2008 believing the sex scandal had been eradicated), I have gone out of my way not to beat up Francis. Even though I believe he is wrong about a lot of things, something I admire about the Catholic Church is the intellectual diversity within. That debate is healthy. So this is not me exploiting the opportunity to bash our left-wing Pope, a man whose photo sits on my fireplace mantle. Rather, this is a practicing Catholic who joined the Church as a 42-year-old man with an open heart, who is just as angry and disappointed in St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI, and who fears the Church is beyond redemption.

Anonymous ID: 09d9ab Aug. 16, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.2629892   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Minnesota Dem Candidate Voted Against Bill to Stop Insurance Payments to Convicted Terrorists


Ilhan Omar, the former Minnesota legislator who won the Democratic primary for a House seat on Tuesday, once voted against a state bill to stop insurance payments to those convicted of terror acts, adding more fuel to accusations the candidate represents a fringe, anti-Israel section of the Democratic Party.


Omar, a Muslim Somali-American who has come under fire for her harsh criticism of Israel, was one of just two lawmakers in 2017 who voted against a Minnesota bill to deny life insurance payments to any person convicted of aiding or committing terror acts, according to official vote tallies.


Omar's objection to the bill has stoked critics on both sides of the political aisle who say the candidate's anti-Israel positions and soft stance on terrorism puts her in a growing stable of fringe Democratic lawmakers who single out the Jewish state for criticism.


Omar is vying to replace Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison, also a Muslim who has taken a hardline position on Israel and who has come under fire for his close association with groups and individuals labeled as anti-Semitic and anti-Israel.


Omar has dubbed Israel an "apartheid regime" in past comments and has been forced to defend herself against allegations of anti-Semitism for these and other similar comments.


Her vote against the bill to end life insurance payments for those involved in terrorism raised questions and some criticism at the time, though Omar has not recently been asked to explain the vote.


Omar's campaign did not immediately respond to a Washington Free Beacon request for comment on the vote and her reasons for opposing the measure.


In 2012, Omar claimed that Israel had "hypnotized the world" to turns its back on the state's "evil doings."


As she seeks to win Ellison's seat in Congress, Omar has attempted to walk back her previous comments and acknowledge Israel's right to exist.


However, pro-Israel organizations and others have shunned the candidate, saying she represents a growing fringe section of the Democratic Party that must be opposed by the Jewish political community.


"Saying that Israel ‘hypnotized the world' and calling the Israeli government an ‘apartheid Israeli regime,' is not only offensive and wrong, but hurts the progressive cause," one veteran Democratic political operative told the Free Beacon. "Ilhan Omar will either moderate her extreme and dangerous rhetoric or, at least when it comes to Middle East issues, she will be shunned by the Congressional Democratic Caucus and the Party as a whole."


The Jewish Democratic Council of America, one of the leading organizations supporting pro-Israel Democratic candidates, has declined to endorse the candidate over what it says is her anti-Israel sentiment.


"Now that Ms. Omar has emerged as the Democratic candidate, JDCA will not support her candidacy—and certainly will not endorse her—because her views are not aligned with our positions and values," the organization said in a recent statement to the Jewish press.


In addition to her anti-Israel comments, Omar came under scrutiny last year for opposing a Minnesota bill that would penalize parents who perform genital mutilations on their children. In that instance, Omar was one of four state lawmakers who opposed the bill.


Omar has been endorsed by prominent Muslim-American community organizations, including ones known for their use of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rhetoric. Omar was also endorsed by Democratic-Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.


The Arab-American Anti-Discrimination League, or ADC, a group known for promoting anti-Israel materials, has endorsed Omar, as has the Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR, another prominent Muslim organization known for its anti-Israel rhetoric.


"We are proud of the strong voter turnout of all Minnesotans in last night's primary, especially Minnesota Muslim voters, in making democracy work for everyone," said CAIR's Minnesota executive director Jaylani Hussein said in a statement. "Last night's historic primary exemplified the trust Minnesotan voters place in Muslim candidates running for office."

Anonymous ID: 09d9ab Aug. 16, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.2629954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9978

Keith Ellison To Ex-Girlfriend: ‘We Don’t Have To Destroy Each Other’ Over Domestic Abuse Accusations


Democratic Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison wants ex-girlfriend Karen Monahan to know that the two “don’t have to destroy each other” over her claim that Ellison physically abused her.


Monahan, a liberal activist for Sierra Club, accused Ellison of physically and emotionally abusing her and claims to have a video of him dragging her off a bed, although she has yet to produce it.


Ellison is the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and on Tuesday won the party’s nomination for Minnesota attorney general. He has repeatedly denied Monahan’s allegations. (RELATED: DNC Finally Breaks Silence On Ellison Allegations. Here’s What It Said)


A reporter for local Minnesota station WCCO asked Ellison on Wednesday what he would say to Monahan if he could.


“I would say: we loved each other, we don’t have to destroy each other,” Ellison said.


“Is that what you think she is trying to do?” asked the interviewer.


“I don’t know, I don’t want to speculate on motive,” Ellison answered.


Monahan’s son Austin first aired the allegations against Ellison on Saturday and claimed to have witnessed the alleged video of Ellison’s abuse.


“I was using my moms computer trying to download something and I clicked on a file, I found over 100 text and twitters messages and video almost 2 min long that showed Keith Ellison dragging my mama off the bed by her feet, screaming and calling her a ‘fucking bitch’ and telling her to get the fuck out of his house,” Austin wrote in a viral Facebook post.


“Sitting all this time, watching what our mom went through and not being able to say or do anything was hard as hell. None of you know the hell our family has gone through. I don’t think half of you would even care,” Austin added.


“We watched her so called political friends stand by say or do nothing. People had an idea what happened and never reached out to my mom. The same people who are posting about social justice are ready to smear my mom, protect a person who abused her and broke the law.”


Like her son, Monahan has also said that she expects to be smeared for speaking out against Ellison.


“I was well prepared for the smears, etc. It is exactly what I wanted to bring to light,” she tweeted Monday.


“This issue is so much bigger than my story, but with each story that surfaces, we make a dent each time and it brings us closer to justice.”