Anonymous ID: 39a0a9 Aug. 16, 2018, 10:39 a.m. No.2629417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9447

I had totally forgotten about this as it happened in 2008,

but Tim Russert, of Meet the Press, one of the more highly successful news shows on television, died unexpectedly like Breitbart. I am sure this was posted in the early days, but i am reposting as a reminder to muh newfags (love you no homo ;-) that they were killing journalists who tell the truth long before we were awakened by Q. So while we pick on the journalists today, lets remember that there are some good ones and they are afraid of being killed. Tim was a good man. Andrew Breitbart was a good man. Michael Hastings etc. There are many good journalists who are not longer with us because they tried to expose the truth. We need to get behind those who are trying.